快好知 kuaihz

1. The ravenous lions tore at the carcass. 2. I'm ravenous - where's supper? 3. The ravenous children ate everything on the table. 4. Growing boys have ravenous appetites. 5. Where's dinner? I'm ravenous! 6. The boys ran in, ravenous after their game. 7. Towards the end he was ravenous for status. 8. I felt the ravenous spell of the place. 9. The ravenous little blood-suckers were nipping at our ankles and crawling in through the eyelets of our boots. 10. He was ravenous, saliva already slopping in his mouth, his stomach quaking with hunger. 11. I knew I was being devoured by flame ravenous as a dragon, fierce as the sun. 11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 12. These ravenous companies claim to provide jobs to communities starved of employment following the pit closures. 13. Two hours later and ravenous, we settled for egg and chips at a motorway service station. 14. Most infants have a ravenous appetite. 15. The world was suddenly ravenous for American capital. 16. For thy desires wolfish, bloody, stare'd , and ravenous. 17. What's for lunch? I'm absolutely ravenous. 18. By now Slote was ravenous. 19. Literally speaking, for the ravenous person, survival is king. 20. The ravenous lion tore the quarry. 21. Amy realized that she had eaten nothing since leaving Bruton Street, and she was ravenous. 22. Things always looked better on a full stomach, and right now she was ravenous. 23. When they awoke on the third morning, they were ravenous. 24. She is scarred by family violence and deformed by her own ravenous need for love. 25. Her small gold watch showed almost noon when she awoke, refreshed and ravenous. 26. After the first spoonful of the thick and satisfying minestrone, Luce found she was ravenous. 27. Topaz clawed Andrew's back, silently begging him to satisfy the ravenous craving within her which was reaching unbearable proportions. 28. The normally grass-rich ranges are barren, chewed down to dust by ravenous cattle. 29. This question continued to linger in our midst and shroud our lives in a ravenous expanse with no discernible seams or edges. 30. He crawls up to her on all fours like a gentle but ravenous bear and begins to nuzzle her.