快好知 kuaihz

61 The grey eyes widened in mock surprise. "How unusual to meet you here,'' she said sarcastically. 62 Diana gave her cousin a look of mock horror and then disappeared through the door, smiling. 63 The weather, fickle over this western peninsula, makes mock of the forecasters. 64 Our mock ad on page 35 shows you what to look out for. 65 The actors also play the horse that pulls their cart and perform juggling, tumbling and let off mock cannon fire. 66 She threw up her hands in mock horror as the little pomeranian ran yapping among the guests. 67 By holding mock interviews you are offering students a valuable learning experience. 68 He rolled them on the floor, growling in mock fury, and they giggled. 69 The children howled as he conducted mock interviews with them. 70 One, with a tousled bundle of greasy hair, waved his arms about in mock anger. 71 Often they have been killed or tortured following mock trials. 72 The first thing I saw was Jahangir's Kalashnikov, so I held my arms up high in mock surrender. 73 Its programmes include work experience, careers lessons and mock interviews. 74 Dole did his first dry run Tuesday, in a mock debate with Sen. 75 With mock surprise, he settled into the love seat, draping his arms along its top. 76 Every Elf city was required to have a martial field where its soldiers could train and fight mock battles. 77 In a letter to Mrs Coutts he described the horror and the misery from which the mock election was a welcome diversion. 78 In the water, Navy SEALs conducted mock attacks near Broadway Pier, where dignitaries watched the ships steam past. 79 Each delegate prepares a bill or a resolution for the mock senate to vote on. 80 The only patterns available were for hand knitting and no one had mentioned mock rib or using waste yarn. 81 The man said something and they all laughed, the woman giving him a mock slap on the arm. 82 His statement was greeted with cries of mock astonishment and indignation by Tory back-benchers. 83 The children dressed up for mock scenarios which the police experience daily and learnt about legal phraseology. 84 Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink. 85 Earlier in the day, warriors will engage in mock battle. 86 Pupils will cast their ballot papers in mock polling booths before school and at morning break on the day. 87 Irony is used here to mock an emotional response, identified as always female, always stupid. 88 Store detectives undergo extensive training routines which include role playing and watching videos of mock incidents. 89 Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold. 90 In class they engaged in mock trials and small-group work.