快好知 kuaihz

(1) She's a very jolly, upbeat sort of a person. (2) The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far. (3) The presentation ended on an upbeat note. (4) The tone of the speech was upbeat. (5) Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official opening. (6) He sounded upbeat and wished us all the best. (7) The exhibition keeps an official, upbeat tally of progress. (8) Officially the mood at the WTO is upbeat. (9) Analysts are more upbeat about the long-term outlook for the economy. (10) The upbeat jazz I listen to in the kitchen makes my food come alive. (11) Mr Annan tried to sound upbeat in the rest of his report. (12) And there is something to be upbeat about in 1992: it's an election year. (13) But the upbeat, booster verve that had brought the parliament together would not be derailed. (14) Despite the rebel gains, Western diplomats have been upbeat in recent days about the prospects for peace. (15) But the locker room was considerably more upbeat than after the Maui losses, or the collapse at Kansas. (16) The senator took an upbeat view of the Republicans' chances in the next election. (17) As he ended his trip, the usually upbeat Mr. Liebenow was in a pensive mood. (18) As he ends his trip, the usually upbeat Mr Liebenow is in a pensive mood. (19) Health members were more upbeat about the involvement of both groups. (20) Neil's colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood. (21) Still, Watler and other Texas open government advocates are generally upbeat. (22) Nell Carter also appeared and performed a couple of upbeat numbers. (23) Recent economic predictions from banks, universities and the California Department of Finance also have been fairly upbeat. (24) The mood swing was worrying, but at least it was an upbeat beginning to the day. (25) It will take a masterly spin doctor to conjure upbeat images from a bleak Kansas youth. (26) And above that the music, a small brass orchestra playing something fast and upbeat. (27) For all the trouble she's been through, Anna is remarkably upbeat. (28) A sprawling double album of many moods, and even the upbeat numbers have an undertow of fragmentation. (29) Their weeks are filled with convivial church suppers, musically upbeat prayer meetings, and jubilant testimony services. (30) Brookside, by contrast, declared from the start that it wouldn't be upbeat or hopeful.