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211. Tax Day is not when Americans pay their taxes, but is rather the annual deadline for reconciling their total annual tax obligation against payments withheld from their pay during the preceding year. 212. Now, as on each preceding day, letters were handed her by the doorman at the Casino. 213. Gaps are necessary in order to upgrade information without erasing the following or the preceding record. 214. They found that success in learning correlated with the amount of stage-2 non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, the stage preceding deep rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. 215. A mortgagor may at the same time mortgage all the property listed in the preceding paragraph. 216. A reading of 50 indicates that activity remained flat from the preceding month, while a higher reading indicates an increase and a lower reading reflects a slowing or decrease. 217. In addition to the files generated in the preceding section, the pureQuery system also generates a utility package consisting of a file called SampleUtil.java (see Figure 14). 218. The markup's only clue that this paragraph is part of a subsection is the fact that the most recent header preceding it, h3, has a bigger number than the earlier headers. 218.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 219. Variables that are assigned from PHP are referenced by preceding them with a dollar sign $. 220. If the discovery cervix of the uterus polyp should perform the polyp excision technique promptly, the time should within the childbirth preceding month. 221. Conclusion we consider the method of cartilage-perichondrium autografting may be a good way to rebuild articular cartilage of finger and preceding the simple arthrodesis. 222. Despite the preceding ribbing, I do not want to be accused of piling on. 223. The Kleene * or repetition operator will match zero or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression. 224. The Chen winter sweet plum has given the full affirmation to the preceding stage's work. 225. The GTSM has issued a warning pursuant to the preceding subparagraph two or more times during the preceding half year. 226. In the preceding section we discussed the valence bond ( VB ) or electron - pair theory of bonding. 227. This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. 228. The two preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the services of an enterprise. 229. The preceding discussion gives only the general issues likely to arise in an EIS case. 230. Any subsequent violation of the conditions of this sheet or the preceding form letter will result in an immediate termination of this license to use ATP materials. 231. In addition to the income tax levied on foreign enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article a local income tax of 10 per cent of the same taxable income shall be levied. 232. If the file begins with a delimiter, the node treats the (zero length) file contents preceding that delimiter as a record and propagates an empty record to the flow. 233. The preface to this book is on the preceding page. 234. Such purchases will end on the business day immediately preceding the record date for the stockholders meeting. 235. On January 21, 1924, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known to the world as Lenin, died of complications from a series of strokes that had progressively debilitated him over the preceding year. 236. And in _ Lynceus_: just as he is being led off for execution, with Danaus at his side to put him to death, the incidents preceding this bring it about that he is saved and Danaus put to death. 237. If a suitable preceding line was not found, target_line_num will have been assigned zero, so the first return statement is executed and returns an empty string (indicating "insert nothing"). 238. On the Sequence diagram the object boxes have no name preceding the ":." These are called anonymous objects. 239. Fasting the day of 'Ashura' ( Muharram 10) is an expiation for the year preceding it. 240. From the preceding analysis, we draw the conclusion that their scientific research performances are unsatisfactory overall, and have difference obviously among the DMUs.