apt造句(31) She has an apt turn of phrase for summing up a situation.
(32) "Like a fish out of water" was an apt description of how I felt in my new job.
(33) she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ...
(34) The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings.
(35) She's in her eighties now and apt to be a bit forgetful.
(36) The pond was apt to dry up during summer.
(37) Here again, the word is not particularly apt.
(38) Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.
(39) But once at university I was an apt student.
(40) Apt sounds mark the passing of the hours.
(41) It is an apt epitaph for him.
(42) She is apt to cackle evilly.
(43) The humour was topical and apt.
(44) His disciplinary record was apt to be suspect.
(45) Apt observations dissolved into a shapeless welter.
(46) Shifting sands might have been a more apt title!
(47) The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.
(48) In 1955, Gibson formally dubbed it an organization, though social club might have been a more apt description.
(49) We were travelling along the Lofoten Wall, an apt description for the mountains protecting this huge sea fjord.
(50) There could not be a more apt description of this mountain in miniature.
(51) They were ambitious for gain and apt to want a careful look at the books.
(52) He had noticed that in rare moments of stress she was apt to revert to her original Cockney.
(53) Mr Spock's ears are distractingly perky and he is apt to panic or, worse, to smile.
(54) There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt.
(55) Superimposing capitalism on another economic system is apt to cause problems.
(56) I thought it an apt and correct description, with its connotations of inertia and lifelessness.
(57) The tobacco company is a particularly apt choice for the Whitney's Board of Trustees.
(58) Paul Manville had to be given his due - he could not have chosen a more apt record to convey his message.
(59) With Bushmills distillery just up the road, this is an apt place to celebrate the end of a great walk.
(60) With every move she gave a little gasp, as her body, previous experience or not, proved an apt pupil.