scarce造句91. Transport was scarce and we had to carry special identity cards when we moved from our own villages.
92. Then competition for scarce resources might favourably select more complex organisms.
93. His pit was earmarked for closure, his redundancy money would not pay off the mortgage and other work was scarce.
94. As oil resources become more scarce by the end of the century, can agriculture continue in its present form?
95. During the war, things like clothes and shoes were scarce.
96. Only 10 percent of Southern blacks have completed a college education, and further education courses are scarce.
97. Because of this, a strong administrative apparatus was needed to plan the use of scarce resources, organize production and regulate distribution.
98. Though funds are scarce, conservation teams from around the world compete to get in on this important and prestigious project.
99. Money is so scarce in the school districts that principals are begging for donations.
100. Because food resources are scarce in the depths, animals are correspondingly thin on the ground.
101. This suggested that the fundamental problem of many working class families was one of scarce resources.
102. Thus old people preserved their dignity; the community preserved its scarce resources for the young.
103. Water is becoming a scarce and expensive commodity and the supply industry is now big business.
104. Lifting the heavy hunks of metal over the chain-link fence seemed improbable and buyers of black-market bronzes are scarce.
105. Such survivals in the unbroken tradition of the cottage garden are now rare examples of such excellence and are very scarce indeed.
106. In consequence, amphibian fossils become very scarce indeed in later geological periods and there are long gaps in their fossil history.
107. Wood was scarce, and the flames of the fire burnt low.
108. But equipment will still be scarce in many places, and so the inequalities of opportunity that exist now will unfortunately remain.
109. Beveridge's death meant that signs of celebration were scarce in the paddock.
110. In August the Moscow authorities restricted the sale to non-residents of scarce goods, following similar decisions in other cities.
111. A large portion of the State's scarce resources was absorbed in upholding the serf-owners' authority and subsidizing their income.
112. Soap was a scarce commodity but he as doctor had priority.
113. Wood is scarce in the Sinai desert, but the acacia is one of the few trees which grow there.
114. Yet scarce athletic moneys must be equally divided between male and female teams.
115. Cheap, clean hotel rooms are scarce in this city, especially in the summer.
116. East of Brighton the species seems remarkably scarce in winter.
117. Genuinely skilled workers in this country are simply too scarce for the sort of industrial base we want to create.
118. At the same time others may, through overfunding, be absorbing an unfair amount of scarce resources. 2.
119. Both history and literature are full of stories of men who metamorphosed into magnates because they controlled some scarce factor of production.
120. From Sept. 15 foreigners were forbidden to export scarce consumer goods, unless purchased for hard currency.