obsolete造句31, It briefly considers the prospects for extending the operational life of obsolete systems through physical restoration as well as logical simulation.
32, Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears, or are heeded only very slowly.
33, For example, new antitank missiles, particularly when used from helicopters, are making main battle tanks obsolete.
34, That sort of thinking is now as obsolete as the coaxial cable.
35, The pace of technological change has already rendered obsolete many items that few would argue amongst the worth of preserving.
36, Those entries which are not marked as obsolete constitute the active population of the archive.
37, Similarly, an expert selling obsolete knowledge may soon find power is withdrawn.
38, But AIDS research is moving so quickly that the current cocktail soon will be obsolete, Teixeira said.
39, Therefore, the advice of the efficient-market believers to select randomly becomes itself obsolete if everyone takes the advice!
40, Later this raise had a stopping put in it when its function became obsolete.
41, Once we're found that favourite shape, there is nothing more frustrating than discovering that fashion has made it obsolete.
42, The heavy armament comprised 1,000 artillery pieces, but many were obsolete or short range.
43, He became almost quaintly obsolete, like the handle crank on the automobile.
44, Many of NATO's nuclear weapons in the European theatre are obsolete.
45, Little did they care that time had rendered them obsolete.
46, By the 1730s this construction had been superseded by a knuckle joint at the top and the gate-leg had become virtually obsolete.
47, From the most modern catering to an obsolete form of transport.
48, Zab finds herself using the now obsolete narrative conventions of the memoir.
49, If the laws change and make your will obsolete, the lawyer is in a quandary.
50, Weapons that would have been invincible twenty years before are now vulnerable and obsolete.
51, In Fairfield and Visalia, managers constantly shift their resources to meet new needs and phase out obsolete activities.
52, Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
53, There is danger that technological change will render obsolete a product or method of production.
54, By association, then, sculptural adornment so popular under art nouveau was rendered obsolete.
55, Is the notion of a distinct foreign policy arena as obsolete as it is ambiguous?
56, With financial innovation, traditional instruments may become obsolete in influencing the money supply.
57, New technologies make obsolete many of the regulations, such as capital controls, that had previously existed.
58, No closets, cramped kitchen, obsolete dining room with a long gloomy table.
59, These documents are valid for six months and may be updated, replaced, or made obsolete at any time.
60, So many nations are developing cruise missile technology that a traditional air dominance fighter such as the F-22 could become obsolete.