nursing造句(91) Later on, my nursing studies taught me it had been a form of bubonic plague.
(92) It's awfully hard to get information about registered nursing homes.
(93) To develop an understanding of the psychological aspects of nursing care. 4.
(94) This can occur at any time but particularly when the student has been observed or supervised in her nursing care.
(95) If a patient has a bedsore and is incontinent the frequent changing of sheets and incontinence pads might be regarded as nursing.
(96) He saw a woman in the rich blue of a nursing uniform at the wheel.
(97) The student will learn realistic ways of ensuring good nursing care even when the workload is heavy.
(98) Agencies advertise locally in newspapers, and may carry regular advertisements in the national nursing press.
(99) The health sector provides community nursing, long-stay care and day hospital places as well as acute beds.
(100) More crucial, in the president's eyes, is the fact that Se guin may be nursing other ambitions.
(101) Many, although as we saw earlier not necessarily all, clients get some benefit from tailor-made nursing care.
(102) The department has a strong research base reflecting commitment to clinical nursing and the utilisation of research.
(103) Carry out those activities involved when conducting the comprehensive assessment of a person's nursing requirements.
(104) Salutary, because I am made more aware of the advances made in developing the nursing role in health care.
(105) In each case the overall aims of nursing remain the same.
(106) Via a back to nursing course organised by a nursing employment agency.
(107) Recognise the significance of observations made of a patient and use these to develop an initial nursing assessment.
(108) When turned or given other nursing care, his limited movements became agitated.
(109) Rosa was sitting in a white cane chair by the window, nursing a baby in her arms.
(110) About 1 in 4 were in nursing and personal care facilities or offices and clinics of physicians.
(111) These cover nursing auxiliaries, enrolled nurses, staff nurses, sisters and clinical specialists.
(112) The most needed fields, social service and nursing, have attracted pitifully few students.
(113) These include returning: Via a back to nursing or re-entry programme organised by your local health board or district health authority.
(114) The expected benefits of improved knowledge and nursing care by the learner can be summarised in aims and objectives.
(115) Steve Nash is nursing various aches and pains, including a sore hamstring.
(116) In the last decade the private sector has started to develop the amount of residential and nursing home care it provided.
(117) Medicaid pays nursing home bills for long-term custodial care, after patients have exhausted their financial assets.
(118) Every nurse in the ward is responsible for promoting good nursing care.
(119) This, however, is the reality of nursing, and the student must be helped to adapt to all situations.
(120) My first political awareness of oppression was when I was discharged from the nursing corps of the army over lesbianism.