mining造句31. They're mining for salt.
32. In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.
33. The mining project threatens one of the world's richest areas of biodiversity.
34. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.
35. He is the sole heir to a large mining fortune.
36. The poor lived cheek by jowl in industrial mining towns in Victorian England.
37. The company has just won a mining concession in the north of the country.
38. Mining and the condition of miners has been a running sore in the country for many years.
39. Legislation to control mining activity is expected to follow.
40. This information was made widely available by Mining Awareness.
41. Her father is a retired mining foreman.
42. They have a mining claim on the Salmon River.
43. The little mining town was desolate and ugly.
44. Strip mining deforms the landscape.
45. Full-scale mining is due to begin early next year.
46. Barringer was an expert in ores and mining techniques.
47. That makes them easy targets for mining industry recruiters.
48. The mining company bored a 5000 foot hole.
49. The complaint states that Asarco employed unsafe mining methods to increase the company's profit.
50. The importance of graphite mining declined late in the colonial period.
51. In the background the bleak, craggy,[www.] high Andes landscape of Potosi - the mining heartland they are abandoning.
52. For instance, with tar sands and oil shales, surface mining is the most economical method of recovery.
53. Nowadays, the tree is used mainly to provide a quick vegetative cover on the scarred landscapes left after strip mining.
54. He races through a mining camp towards his 20-room mansion with oak floors and a second floor balcony.
55. The front of my smock hung heavy with claggy mud, from kneeling in it mining for strays.
56. Not only is production expanding rapidly as foreign mining outfits plunge in, world coal prices have been rising.
57. Hatch resigned his appointment in 1892 and went to work as a mining engineer in Johannesburg.
58. Copper Creek Road is straight ahead, but may be closed for mining operations.
59. Such a community spirit is also reinforced through the shared misfortune of mining disasters.
60. He had been given and had himself taken an immense amount out of that mining culture.