mammal造句151. A carnivorous North American mammal ( Procyon motor ) having grayish - brown fur, black masklike facial andringed bushy tail.
152. The aardvark is a mammal that burrow into the ground to catch ants and termites.
153. The spiny anteater, an egg-laying mammal native to Australia and New Guinea, has a penis with four heads, but only two fit into the female at once.
154. It is very unusual for a mammal to lay eggs or to have poisonous spurs!
155. If you think your child will enjoy splashing around with a big, smart, aquatic mammal, a dolphin experience might be a fine investment.
156. Stumpy the Kangaroo, a resident of the sanctuary of the International Kangaroo Society (which is, curiously, in Ohio), lost a leg, a disastrous injury for a two-legged mammal.
157. The Caribbean monk seal was the first New World mammal to be discovered by Columbus and his company on the coast of Santo Domingo in 1494.
158. Mammal hibernation matters to human medical research, says physiological ecologist Hank Harlow of the University of Wyoming in Laramie.