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181. For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. 182. The excretion of a small, harmless, snake-shaped creature known as the coral grubb, coralite is spongelike in appearance. 183. An intriguing interaction between science and politics, that in contrast for example to the Lysenko episode in the Soviet union, was quite harmless and may even have been of benefit. 184. From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the Western world. 185. Inside he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor next to the cash register. 186. We shall replace the hair colorations by no toxicity and harmless dyestuff and mark an epoch of natural plant color cream of no ammonia and no ursol. 187. Belcher and her team took a harmless virus called M13. 188. Jack: Aw, come on, Betty. It's just a little 1 fib, only a harmless white lie. 189. The sexes also differed in their approach to straying .Half of men thought it was harmless to lust after someone other than their partner, compared to 33 percent of women. 190. It was just a harmless prank, that's all it was. 191. Earth-bound objects of this size appear only a few times a year, typically smashing into the atmosphere unnoticed and exploding into harmless, untraceable bits of dust. 192. As in the case of all medicines containing iron, the intake of Floradix Formula may cause the bowel motions to be particularly dark. This discolouration is completely harmless. 193. Consider the monsoon and ocean currents, Make a mathematical model of diffusion of radioactive dust, and calculate the time when the spread of radioactive dust into harmless point. 194. A seemingly harmless collection of information from the advancement of the Human Genome Project. 195. Telling a lie as a joke or to fool someone is a harmless type of lie, also known as a jocose lie. 196. Most worms are harmless, especially in well-nourished people, Dr. Weinstock said. 197. One family of completely harmless snakes, the kingsnake, has also evolved serum that neutralizes rattlesnake venom and uses that ability to greater advantage than ground squirrels do. 198. A bluish - green, harmless variety ( Coluber constrictor flaviventris ) of the blacksnake, found in the central United States. 199. Sleep talking , sometimes called somniloquy , might wake up the person next to you, but it's harmless. 200. It'settled back to sporadic, harmless streaming like a simmering kettle. 201. Well, the internet suggests that slumber party guests often engage in harmless experimentation with lesbianism. 202. Turnus threw his lance, but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas. 203. The sexes also differed in straying. their approach to straying Half of men thought it was harmless to lust after someone other than their partner, compared to 33 percent of women. 204. The purple pigment which is abstracted from the Althaea roseal is a harmless natural dyestuff. 205. Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers. 206. Batesian mimicry - In this type of mimicry a harmless signaler imitates a dangerous one. 207. We wave the "white flag" to call a truce, surrender, or show we are unarmed. A "white lie" is a harmless untruth, while "white magic" is good magic. White may conjure up negative images as well. 208. Many diseases that could harm humans may be both undetectable and harmless in their natural hosts. 209. The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur. 210. Amy: Well, the Internet suggests that slumber party guests often engage in harmless experimentation with lesbianism.