快好知 kuaihz

1 What is the altitude of this village? 2 The plane made a dive to a lower altitude. 3 Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.Zig Ziglar 4 The plane took off and climbed to cruising altitude. 5 We're flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. 6 The plane flew at an altitude of 20, 000 feet. 7 We are flying at an altitude of 6 000 metres. 8 We are currently flying at an altitude of 15 000 metres. 9 We are flying at an altitude of 20000 feet. 10 The plane flew at an altitude of 20000 metres. 11 The aircraft maintained an altitude of 28,000 feet. 12 The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico City. 13 No trees will grow at that altitude. 14 The plane was grabbing for altitude. 15 They were flying at high altitude. 16 The plane suddenly started to lose altitude. 17 The aircraft had reached its cruising altitude of about 39,000 feet. 18 The plane was flying at an altitude of 2000 meters. 19 What is the altitude of the top of the mountain? 20 Altitude, aspect, and slope may further limit the scope. 21 It also packs a noticeably bigger wallop at altitude. 22 Dehydration is one of the keys to altitude sickness. 23 Dennis smiles down from his altitude and is charmed. 24 The balloonists attained an altitude of 33,000 feet. 25 The altitude does peculiar things to people. 26 Correction for altitude alone gives the free-air gravity anomaly. 27 There was a sudden drop in the plane's altitude. 28 The aviators reported the columns of smoke rising to an altitude of 2,000 feet. 29 The plane emptied its fuel tanks as it started losing altitude. 30 The climbers failed to reach the summit because of altitude sickness.