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91. The uniquely designed combustion chamber, enlarged cylinder working capacity, and excellent fuel consumption rate have contributed to a larger power output of GM series compared with OHV motors . 92. Uniquely in the public sector, royal civil list finances are negotiated – and debated by MPs –only once every 10 years. 93. In the data structure, the binary tree can be uniquely confirmed when the nodes sequences of this binary tree for preorder traversal and inorder traversal are knows. 94. The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. 95. The great British astronomer Fred Hoyle suggested that the laws of physics were so uniquely conducive to human existence that the universe must be "a put-up job". 96. SAN can be local or remote, shared or dedicated, and uniquely includes externalized , central storage and SAN interconnect components. 97. Oracle allows the middle tier to set up a number of lightweight user sessions within a single database connection, each of which uniquely identifies a connected user. 98. Head upcountry and discover the uniquely blended Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Mexican cultures — still alive and well among Hawaiian paniolo (cowboys) on the island's giant ranches. 99. The time zone identifier is a key field that uniquely identifies the time zone. 100. Introducing the uniquely Boolean concept of complementation into an additive identity, we find an interesting effect. 101. A searched DELETE statement deletes multiple rows if the search condition does not uniquely identify a single row. 102. Music, like language, is a uniquely human form of communication. 103. It's a uniquely - styled puppet opera requiring high levels of skills. 104. IBM mainframes and their primary application hosting environments are uniquely scalable and reliable. 105. Show off your love of fun patterns and uniquely fresh designs with this versatile cross body bag made of hand painted leather from the Abstract Twilight Collection. 106. The conservatives were not preoccupied uniquely with economic affairs or growth. 107. Sited on a built archipelago in the tidal zone of the Arabian Gulf, the Louvre Abu Dhabi will be uniquely placed to become a global cultural destination when it opens in 2012. 108. Since the BJT is a three-terminal device, one of the three terminals is permitted to be common to the input and output ports, and the other two terminals are each uniquely associated with each port. 109. He was uniquely equipped not only to recover Iranian Sufism for the West, but also to defend the principal Western traditions of esoteric spirituality. 110. Kinhom uniquely issued the international advanced management pattern like "centralized purchasing", "unified management", "unified accounting" and shapes unique superiority of the nuclear competition. 111. As we discussed in the Introduction, interactive digital products are uniquely imbued with complex behavior. 112. The spirit of the common people embodies that theory existence needs gradation. It contains also ideas of the existentialist philosophy, and this has formed Wang Anyi's uniquely distinctive co... 113. The technology has uniquely style of plus and remove components in the live system, it is diffusely applied under the sustentation of the software. 114. As part owners of the company, these vendors are now uniquely motivated to help Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based The Purple Beverage Company succeed, says Farnsworth. 115. " this is a function for which industrial engineers are uniquely trained, " says Thonmas Hodgson, with the design and manufacturing division at NSF. 116. China is a land of scenic contrasts , each uniquely representing its own area. 117. It has funds of flowing in two - way uniquely, and has no real horizontal transfer payment. 118. To uniquely represent a dimension using identifiers from an operational system, you sometimes need to use a composite key. 119. Since the standard information in management information base is used uniquely, the algorithm is independent of any special product families and applicable to heterogeneous network environment. 120. A periodic interval of time that can be uniquely ?identified? and determinated . For example, bit time slot , path time slot , frame time slot .