primitive造句211 Huge areas of the Far East remain wild or primitive.
212 His also wished to return to the primitive structure where the Church managed its own affairs.
213 The bichir and other primitive freshwater fish have a pouch opening from the gut to enable them to breathe air.
214 Vietminh guerrillas, some armed with spears and machetes or, primitive flintlocks, marched to the cadence of gongs and drums.
215 The importance of the Temple Butte is that it contains fossil skeletons of primitive fish.
216 It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar.
217 Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.
218 It was a veritable barbecue, a crude and primitive feasting.
219 Arrangements were very primitive in the House of Commons in those days.
220 What the author of primitive mentality means by " participation " is familiar enough.
221 The struggle for survival was gradually stripped of mask and ornament to reveal a primitive brutality.
222 A primitive unit of auditory speech in a given language.