bourgeoisie造句91 Civilizing the proletariat became part of the self - protective program of the bourgeoisie.
92 The staunch ally of the proletariat is the peasantry, and next comes the urban petty bourgeoisie.
93 If the bourgeoisie does start to protest, the party will be faced with an old dilemma: liberalise or step up repression.
94 From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.
95 Encroachment on any enterprise run by the national bourgeoisie is strictly prohibited.
96 It is different from the dictatorship of the landlord class and the bourgeoisie, and is also somewhat different from a strictly worker-peasant democratic dictatorship.
97 China's Xinxinrenlei services, the quality of life of petty bourgeoisie crowd.
98 We should rally the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie under the leadership of the working class and on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance.
99 We have been speaking here mainly about the upper or comprador bourgeoisie.
100 Which leads which -- the proletariat the bourgeoisie, or vice versa?
101 Generally speaking, the class attribute of the intelligent in former China was ranked as petty bourgeoisie.
102 Led by the bourgeoisie revolutionary party, the people didn' t strive with the church but the government and the feudal despotism.
103 Therefore, the core values of American military is the value that serves for the monopoly bourgeoisie, it is the core of politics and culture in American army, its always deceiving and demagogic.
104 Set mainly on the Jurassic undercliff at Lyme Regis, the novel plays with the idea that the Victorian bourgeoisie — and the kind of novel that represents it — is on the brink of extinction.
105 However, the flattery of the bourgeoisie may conquer the weak-willed in our ranks.
106 Let us now analyse the different sections of the petty bourgeoisie other than the peasantry.
107 He pointed out that it should wholeheartedly de pend on the working class and unite the national bourgeoisie to develop the productivity.
108 The vernacular is used by the proletariat and also by the bourgeoisie.
109 The national bourgeoisie differs from the imperialists, the landlords and the bureaucrat - capitalists.
110 In the side of civil rights, Tan Shitong' s advocation raised the curtain of a fierce competition between bourgeoisie ideology of democratic rights and the monarchism.
111 On the other hand we rely on our alliance with the peasants to secure grain and industrial raw materials with which to bring the bourgeoisie under control.
112 Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution.
113 The October Revolution overthrew the bourgeoisie , an event without precedent in world history.
114 What the bourgeoisie, therefore , produces, above all, is its own grave - diggers.
115 But it is of the bourgeoisie, so it has the characteristic of mentalism and lacks philosophical principle.
115try its best to gather and create good sentences.
116 In the 18th century the barrel organ - often in combination with a clock - also finds its way into the houses of the wealthy bourgeoisie .
117 The petty bourgeoisie is a class that cannot ignore in the course of Chinese revolution.
118 In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness.
119 We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.
120 Setting party for public or private, that's the watershed between proletariate party and bourgeoisie party , touchstone for authentic Commie or false Commie.