快好知 kuaihz

1. A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s. 2. In the movie, Burg portrays a real-life Holocaust survivor. 3. An exhibition on the Holocaust simply would not do. 4. "Never again" is the refrain associated with the Holocaust. 5. The holocaust is an immense and vile red herring. 6. The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims. 7. Some groups deny that the Holocaust ever happened. 8. Dance music that might survive a nuclear holocaust. 9. So count the cost of the holocaust Stand up and fight For peace. 10. One way we tried to comprehend the Holocaust was by developing certain misapprehensions about it. 11. She can tell the Holocaust horror stories now without bursting into tears. 12. The denial of the Holocaust is the latest twist in this tale of conspiracy and deception. 13. Theatre producer Harold Prince picked out the Holocaust portraits; celebrity hound Larry King put forth the photo of a dead friend. 14. Some of the students wept, horrified by the Holocaust survivor's stories. 15. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust. 16. Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust. 17. It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur. 18. With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced. 19. There was no inexorable train of logic which led from that day to the Holocaust. 20. The period of emancipation, the flowering of literary tradition, the Holocaust. 21. Many in the room were moved to tears by the documentary about the Holocaust. 22. He realized that the world had changed and that each side was capable of destroying the other in a nuclear holocaust. 23. He spoke about Hadassah's background as the Prague-born daughter of Holocaust survivors. 24. Unless he changes his mind, there may be more holocausts to remember on the Holocaust memorial days to come. 25. Wiesel's speech called to mind the victims of the Holocaust. 26. The Yad Vashem memorial on the hills west of Jerusalem is supposed to commemorate the Holocaust. 27. What came instead were world wars, a Great Depression, a Holocaust, and threats of nuclear destruction. 28. Many have their own programmes that include special exhibitions or films on the Holocaust[http:///holocaust.html], while others treat the matter summarily. 29. Some critics echo the radical anti-abortion lobby in comparing stem cell research to the Holocaust. 30. Particularly important are its compelling eyewitness interviews, since there are still those among us who actually believe the Holocaust never happened.