快好知 kuaihz

121. The joke got a big laugh, which encouraged me to continue. 122. We all went to the beach last night - it was a really good laugh . 123. You have to learn to laugh instead of getting uptight about things. 124. The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself. 125. The British don't laugh at the same jokes as the French. 126. He was about to offer an explanation, but she was beginning to laugh. 127. Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room. 128. A schoolboy at the back of the room piped up with a remark that made the audience laugh. 129. I tried to make him laugh, but he was in no mood for jokes. 130. Well, I'm sorry you've lost your shoes, but you've got to laugh, haven't you? 131. I wasn't going to make a spectacle of myself just to give you a laugh! 132. My family and friends all had a good laugh at my expense. 133. He was afraid that the other kids would laugh at him. 134. Just seeing Woody Allen's face is enough to make me laugh. 135. An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews. 136. And when I couldn't find the passports - honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! 137. When she told me they were getting married I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 138. The young ladies of the public relation are too inhibited to laugh freely. 139. The best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh. 140. There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off. 141. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident. 142. The public would laugh fit to burst if someone really ballsed up the Civil Service or the Cabinet. 143. It really gets me the way we're expected to actually laugh at his pathetic jokes! 144. It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to laugh it off. 145. Whilst I used to laugh it off, I'm now getting irritated by it. 146. She turned away her face with a merry, ringing laugh. 147. While telling the story he worked in a few jokes to make his listeners laugh. 148. If the speeches are not going well, ask Paula to speak; she can always raise a laugh. 149. He thinks he can laugh at me, but I'll settle with him soon. 150. Bev made her laugh, the way she was always clowning around.