快好知 kuaihz

31 The painting looked old but was a recent fake. 32 How can you tell a fake Vuitton handbag from the real thing? 33 They thought the painting was a fake, but Shackleton knew better. 34 They used fake signal lights to bait the enemy ships onto the rocks. 35 Fake designer clothes are being sold to an unsuspecting public. 36 We thought it was a genuine antique, but it turned out to be a fake. 37 They said, after digging around, the photo was a fake. 38 Despite its certificate of authenticity, the painting was found to be a fake. 39 To an expert eye, the painting is an obvious fake. 40 He arranged the accident in order to fake his own death. 41 It is filled with famous works of art, and every one of them is a fake. 42 You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you'd done the work. 43 Some fake designer clothes are so good that people have no idea they're not buying the genuine article. 44 He looked like a postman but he was really a fake. 45 Don't go out in the sun-get a fake tan from a bottle. 46 I don't think some mug will buy his fake jewellery. 47 Closer inspection of the vase revealed it to be a fake. 48 These paintings may look like the real thing, but every one of them is a fake. 49 On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. 50 These are fake diamonds. 51 In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades. 52 Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation. 53 Ten years after he bought the painting, Carswell discovered that it was a fake. 54 The watch was suspiciously cheap; it was probably a fake. 55 You couldn't fake out the teacher by telling a lie. 56 I don't think some mug will buy his fake jewelry. 57 Crooks are using the latest laser photocopiers to produce millions of fake banknotes. 58 She realized the coins were fake when the gold colouring began to rub off. 59 After working for ten years as a doctor, he was exposed as a fake. 60 His I.D. is obviously fake.