life expectancy造句61) Life expectancy for all patients is middle age, and heart failure is the leading cause of death.
62) First, there have been substantial improvements in mortality over this century which are reflected in increased life expectancy.
63) With an average life expectancy, that same beneficiary will collect a monthly check for five years beyond that.
64) Doctors put the life expectancy of sufferers at about 40 years - even if they have daily injections of insulin.
65) His life expectancy is falling and he is seven times as likely to be murdered as a white boy.
66) Your life expectancy is another consideration, as is that of your partner and any dependants.
67) His life expectancy was now very limited; it was estimated at between 12 months and two years.
68) Life expectancy is only 58 years and 25 percent of the people have no access to clean water supplies.
69) The Sun is near half life expectancy.
70) The patients'biochemical response to ursodeoxycholic acid means a normal life expectancy.
71) There was no mention of Lumens,life expectancy of the product or relative amounts of the nasty bits.
72) WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45.
73) Income measures do not do full justice to the extent of the improvement in the world's poor, for they take no account of advances in life expectancy and general health.
74) Conclusions Life expectancy of apoplexia elderly without intelligence disability is an important marker to evaluate the living quality.
75) With the gap in male and female life expectancy enlarging, as the most developed city in China, Shanghai could and should establish survivor insurance system as soon as possible.
76) Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs coming into use between now and 2040.
77) Despite all the extra treatment, the U.S. ranks only 36th in life expectancy, just below Cuba.
78) The 10 to 100 gigabits of data per square inch on today's memory cards has an estimated life expectancy of only 10 to 30 years.
79) Particularly cigarette smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.
80) The elastic recovery following compression is quite good and allows for a long flex life expectancy in applications such as this.
81) Pollution shortens considerably the life expectancy of a body of water.
82) To monitor the changing trend of infant mortality rate (IMR) in Hongkou district Shanghai, observe how IMR affected average life expectancy, in order to take proper measures to reduce the rate.
83) A heart-healthy Mediterranean diet may factor in to Italian life expectancy.
84) Furthermore, advances in medical management have increased life expectancy and also patients with orthopaedic injuries.
85) U.S. life expectancy inched up to 77.9 from the previous record, 77.8 , recorded for 2004.
86) In the nearby kingdom of Swaziland, women now live to 49 on average, a fall of 14 years, while men's life expectancy had declined by 12 years to 47.
87) Miami's larger proportion of women is probably explainable by women's greater life expectancy.
88) Since 1951, the Chinese retirement policy doesn't make a big change as the changes of average life expectancy and economic development etc.
89) Nursing-home residents had to be 65 years or older, in the facility for at least 1 month, and had to have a life expectancy of at least 3 months.
90) Life expectancy for American women was almost eighty-one years. They were also in thirty-seventh place among almost two hundred countries and territories.