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31, To turn a phrase in the midst of my instability. 32, Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow. 33, As the boats have got shorter the directional instability increased but our ability to correct it with tilt decreased. 34, For a regrettable number, emotional instability and spiritual confusion remain long after the physical bruises have faded. 35, The Emergency of 1975-77 was an attempt to overcome instability in a decisive and authoritarian manner. 36, Corresponding to this economics of adaptability components there is an economics of stability and instability in biological systems. 37, With increasing use, it leads to emotional instability and feelings of paranoia. 38, It is also likely to cause instability elsewhere in the region. 39, The pressures and prejudices which attend their activities and relationships only exacerbate their instability. 40, Alex Household had a history of mental instability and paranoia. 41, Its inherent instability of organization was evident long before it collapsed. 42, There are signs of emotional instability in those who have been deeply affected by the literature. 43, Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity. 44, Doubtless, this instability will continue as more sophisticated techniques of diagnosis come into use by the medical profession. 45, This was exacerbated by the instability and personal feuding which characterized the new ruling group. 46, Perhaps his demise through age, ill-health or death might usher in an era of political instability. 47, Each of these episodes brought on periods of financial instability. 48, Countdown to breakdown Sierra Leone's history is littered with instances of political instability and economic mismanagement. 49, Once his mental instability was recognised, he was sent to hospital, but died of a heart attack in the ambulance. 50, Neglect of these rights has, in severe cases, contributed to extremism, regional instability and conflict. 51, It became possible to believe that financial instability was not an inherent part of capitalism. 52, Generally speaking, instability thresholds are lower than in the quasi-Lorenz system, and the restrictions on decay rates less severe. 53, Second, these new sources of instability complicate domestic stabilization policy and may make it less effective. 54, This was no longer an affront to the public conscience, where the suicide resulted from mental instability. 55, The main disadvantage is that political or economic instability within the country may cause problems outside the control of the parent company. 56, As a result of the instability and interactions, the pattern rapidly loses any detailed memory of its initial state. 57, But this experiment has relaunched the debate over which monetary and exchange system can best cope with international financial instability. 58, This is due to the fact that adaptability components correlate to forms of stability and instability in dynamical descriptions. 59, The existence of two rival regimes will create instability in an already very fragile legal framework. 60, This instability leads to radioactive decay of C at a regular rate.