快好知 kuaihz

31. The tree had come down in a fierce gale the night before. 32. The wind was still rising, approach-ing a force nine gale. 33. The ship was driven by a gale from its course. 34. The wind had piped up to half a gale overnight. 35. I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale. 36. The snowflakes were driven against the hut by a gale. 37. The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. 38. They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale. 39. Three toasters sailed away like spindrift in the gale. 40. Gale waited while Seldon fixed the projector. 41. A gale may otherwise blow the whole fence over. 42. A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows. 43. The ship sank in the gale. 44. The wind was increasing to gale force, and fast. 45. Will Gary and Gale find happiness together at last? 46. The squall was a prelude to a fully-fledged gale, heralded well in advance by warnings from the meteorologists. 47. All day the gale lasted, with big seas building up and beginning to crash into the cockpit over the stern bar. 48. The granite-built house nestled into the hillside as though part of it and the gale roared overhead. 49. A north-west gale had given us a good shaking up crossing from Peterhead to Wick resulting in a cracked cylinder head. 50. Previously no wave would have reached that high except in a gale, and that night the sea had been quite calm. 51. By dawn the gale had abated, and the daylight showed the full extent of the damage. 52. His present place was shaky - a violent gale had just blown in the window panes and the frame was flapping loose. 53. The gale, pouring over the roof, caught him before he had even started to make his next movement. 54. Inside, the gale was no more than a distant, muffled roar. 55. It included Gale, evergreen Veratrum with flowering buds, dark green and striped-leaved Pyrola and a pretty Lycopodium. 56. Finally on the fourth day one of the anchor ropes sheered through and we lost that anchor to the gale. 57. It burst out of the tunnel in a gale of hot air and shuddered to a halt. 58. But the owners of the fish farm - Gale and Ainslie Limited - insist they weren't negligent. 59. By midnight the wind had strengthened to gale force, and in the darkness there was high drama. 60. In fact, when the spire was blown down during a gale, early in 1925, it was not replaced.