快好知 kuaihz

31 It would, however, be hazardous to rely upon these four factors while the theory remains unproven. 32 Afterwards, the city discovered the hazardous substances in the groundwater that threatened the nearby public drinking water supply. 33 Unless you have a serious leak, the quick solution is probably more hazardous than the problem. 34 It is still outstanding and there are cables and wires lying on the surface making it both unsightly and possibly hazardous. 35 The dig might require such a specialist, trained to handle hazardous materials. 36 The mountain Nui Ba Den was a singular feature in my area of operation and a good example of hazardous terrain. 37 A risk management program means all programs to minimize extraordinarily hazardous accident risks. 38 Wage differentials for hazardous jobs reflect the risks of both deaths and injuries. 39 It contains a mass of radioactive byproducts spawned during its time in the reactor, some of them extremely hazardous. 40 Local government Hazardous waste management is an increasing problem for industry, the public and the relevant authorities. 41 This verbal combo is an oxymoron, of course, given all we know about the innately hazardous properties of nicotine. 42 The number of individual countries with hazardous waste import bans is now over one hundred. 43 Since hazardous jobs represent a small part of total employment, these workers are unrepresentative of the general population. 44 The hazardous weather conditions put concerns about budget developments and the economy on the back burner. 45 Nearly all Britain's hazardous waste is handled by private operators. 46 He was aware of traffic hazards in the environs of Bristol and stretches of hazardous road in the Gloucestershire countryside. 47 We do not believe that the United Kingdom should import any toxic and hazardous waste. 48 Extracted hazardous materials Crec charges its clients 82 cents per kilogram to dismantle computers in a factory once used to manufacture them. 49 E1 buildings are for storage of goods and materials not specified as hazardous in occupancy E2. 50 Working in the loft Working in the loft is unpleasant and somewhat hazardous. 51 A majority of the industrial groups produce less than 10, 000 metric tons of hazardous waste. 52 On that basis, entering into a hazardous transaction that results in damage is, in itself, negligent. 53 It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries. 54 Radium is tens of times more hazardous than plutonium and thousands of times more hazardous than tritium. 55 We should reduce the amount of hazardous waste that is produced when making products - often useful products - for the market. 56 Britain is the only country in the world which continues to burn hazardous waste at sea. 57 Bioremediation is being evaluated by both industry and the US-EPA as one technology for cleaning up hazardous waste sites. 58 The Labour party believes that there are a number of essential approaches to toxic and hazardous waste. 59 Hazardous jobs include the risks of both death and injury, and the extra wages compensate both risks. 60 The operation made financial and environmental sense by eliminating the need to use a hazardous waste site.