unaware造句31. It was made out by his counsel that he was quite unaware that the money had been stolen.
32. The authorities were either unaware of the problem or turned a blind eye to it.
33. Even close friends were unaware of the tribulations she faced.
34. They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come.
35. All this time I was blissfully unaware of the situation.
36. They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.
37. Many remain unaware of their rights.
38. The enemy should be totally unaware of their arrival.
39. Wednesday morning, unaware that he had transported a felon.
40. I was below, completely unaware of this near miss.
41. She was completely unaware of him.
42. Why is the average citizen unaware of this problem?
43. The first ten seconds show the problem: Barbara has trouble with her social life but is unaware of the cause.
44. Most adults are unaware of the social conditioning they have been subject to since childhood.
45. The rest of the cast seemed blissfully unaware of his absence, and not one questioned her about her own disappearance.
46. But vets say the public is unaware of just how dangerous the virus can be.
47. Meanwhile over the top sings Mel, clearer and truer than before, apparently blissfully unaware of the unholy mayhem beneath her.
48. The casual lawyer is telling his story somberly seemingly unaware of any of the hubbub around us.
49. Blissfully unaware that I had no obligation to sign any agreement, I put down a ten-pound deposit the same afternoon.
50. First, many employers were until recently largely unaware of the changes taking place in the labour market.
51. Until he saw this phenomenon in the mirror, he had been completely unaware of it.
52. The last of the trees fell away behind him, the lake rushed forwards below, the shelduck dabbled on unaware.
53. What if the outside world was unaware of what was happening at Heymouth?
54. She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence.
55. The people who use these drugs are often unaware of the risks they are running.
56. She pulled on her gown, unaware of how the thin silk clung to her still-damp skin.
57. Unaware that she was holding her breath, Isabel slowly slid her arms around his waist.
58. Such games can be played with the actor entirely unaware that they are doing so.
59. Not very sporting, I grant you, but I was genuinely unaware that such tactics were illegal.
60. Feeling the solid flesh beneath his fingers he felt himself harden, completely unaware that Michael was planning his demise.