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181 In fact, internal conflicts may exist within the bureaucracy as different sectors within it compete for scarce resources. 182 In addition to the full edition, there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme. 183 Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.G.K. Chesterton 184 Then I turned once more toward Saint-Mames. But did that local saint exist? 185 Just when did this revolution occur and in fact did information exist before its arrival in electronic form? 186 By this definition, large, nonprofit firms that exist primarily to accumulate wealth would not qualify. 186try its best to collect and build good sentences. 187 Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.Aldous Huxley 188 It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces. 189 No natural boundary appears to exist between the natural and social sciences. 190 But co-operation and self-sacrifice also exist, even at quite basic levels of conscious animal life. 191 Ample opportunity appeared to exist for local people to obtain free advice on basic legal problems. 192 The airways, although they exist everywhere, serve only as a partial remedy. 193 Belief is a spiritual fighter against theism. Atheism is a strong belief that God does not exist, and that religion corrupts the human mind.Dr T.P.Chia 194 Aristotle might affirm that it was impossible for another cosmos like our own to exist. 195 If society is to exist as a unity there must be an agreement on shared values. 196 Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy. 197 Moreover, tensions exist between the rural population and the town-dwellers who buy second homes in the more accessible areas of countryside. 198 Genuine VP ellipsis construction does not exist in English. 199 Sightless and flightless, they exist only to be impregnated. 200 Polyacetadehyde may exist in atactic, syndiotactic and isotactic forms. 201 Polyacetaldehyde may exist in atactic, syndiotactic and isotactic forms. 202 Section three is expatiate the exist inevitability and influence. 203 There do exist international law regarding expropriation and compensation. 204 NUE of three types of NF exist genotype difference. 205 The book texts exist abstractly, independent of form. 206 Many methods exist for ranging from acoustics to optical. 207 Conclusion EDD lesions really exist in patient with CAD. 208 Professor : According to Empirical , Testable, Demonstrable Protocol , Science says your GOD doesn't exist. 209 Different ranges exist on the higher spectrum, such as the Angelic Realm and the Guidance Realm. 210 Code files simply exist as files, modules, and executable scripts.