destructive造句61. Although it is good to see the end of environmentally destructive quarrying, the landscaping seems a little excessive.
62. Teenagers often make inappropriate responses to conflicts such as aggression, withdrawing, sulking, tantrums or destructive behaviour.
63. The effect, enhanced in buildings and enclosed spaces, can be up to 16 times more destructive than conventional high explosives.
64. Ballantyne's boys simply stare while one of Golding's boys is not appreciative and very destructive towards the tree.
65. The requirements here will depend on the destructive capabilities of the chosen fish species.
66. The potential for a destructive arms race is ever present.
67. A small but destructive minority has turned from religious zeal to crime, or to insurrection against its own governments.
68. And this can be as destructive to enjoyment and adventure as inflated claims or solemn incantations.
69. It is the hiding that is destructive, not the pain.
70. Conflicting views' Of course arable land in some places is going out of cultivation because of erosion and other destructive forces.
71. After a couple of intense, passionate but ultimately destructive relationships, I craved a gentle, understanding mate.
72. Without failure, Earth might never discover your power and strength to defuse the most cruel of destructive experiences in human lives.
73. The problem solver pushes into the unknown intermediate region, alternatively employing constructive and destructive processes.
74. Either we become regarded as gratuitously destructive iconoclasts, or the shepherd himself becomes suspect for having withheld information.
75. Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.
76. Sugar was one of the most destructive elements of the new diet.
77. The social consequences of compulsive gambling and risk-taking, workaholism, compulsive overspending and other behavioural addictions can be utterly destructive.
78. Kim was also very destructive of any property not her own.
79. Other conditioned psychological needs can be an extension of a horse's basic requirements, and may be quite destructive to it.
80. In later poems she is usually shown as treacherous and malicious, exerting a deadly and destructive power over men.
81. Both are born of rationalism, and both are equally wrong and finally destructive of true faith.
82. Little Red Cap, who has outgrown her oral fixation, no longer has any destructive oral desires.
83. The neo-Confucians, by contrast, limited the scope of human destructive power to humanity itself.
84. The latter two are simple destructive plate margin volcanoes, but the Plate Tectonic setting of Vesuvius is a bit complex.
85. Self-defeating organizations are nothing if not adroit at minimizing the costs of their destructive or ineffectual actions.
86. Being destructive elements in the play they have destroyed themselves and already added much to the destruction of their father.
87. To say the least, this is a curb on the creative process, and artistically destructive.
88. Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact.
89. It was seen as having both healing and destructive power.
90. Clearly, people choose to act selfishly and in destructive ways despite the pain their actions will bring to others.