decorative造句91. The Romans did not try to compete in the sculptural and decorative field.
92. Private citizens were also quick to adopt the more decorative motifs of imperial monuments.
93. Adding a decorative touch to the plain brick wall, they also give the room quite a Continental feel.
94. Prices, where stated at all, were scribbled in decorative script upon tiny cards, an afterthought.
95. Decorative projecting bricks, alcoves, wrought iron gates, and so on, are a security risk.
96. This is a very peculiar but decorative plant which in submersed form differs conspicuously from the other members of the family.
97. Comments: Like the first two species, this is a very good, decorative one, easily grown in the aquarium.
98. There were minor additions made to the decorative scheme in the 19C.
99. With the easy-to-use tapes that are available, decorative headings need not present any difficulties to the inexperienced needlewoman.
100. But don't stop there - use your imagination and serve decorative food.
101. In the field of eighteenth-century art, we've had paintings, decorative arts and period rooms divorced from each other.
102. Inside, the triforium is often omitted or is just a decorative band, while the nave arcade is of great importance.
103. Hollola is a fine country church with decorative gables and detached, classical bell tower added in 1848.
104. I could imagine tight kimonos, vulnerable shuffles, and decorative combs.
105. A comparatively rare plant, Acorus is propagated with difficulty but it is a very decorative plant when used in aquariums.
106. A ceiling fan can help ventilation but can also incorporate lighting and be decorative.
107. High boots were the in-thing - sleek and shiny with chunky zips fastened with huge decorative rings or tabs.
108. The name and date were inserted in a decorative framework, this probably being kept standing for immediate use when sightseers arrived.
109. Paint the decorative skirt rosettes silver, once the royal icing is dry.
110. One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
111. Left: Most boatyards had a signwriter who painted the boats in their company liveries and added the decorative touches.
112. Successful aquarists often cultivate this species on decorative roots together with fish of the genus Aphyosemion.
113. Many of the nature books are purely decorative, but a few are very informative.
114. A generous pile of cushions, or a treasured marble bust can add the required decorative touch.
115. There is also a wide range of paving materials that can create a very decorative effect.
116. Perhaps before the decorative uses of stone evolved the practical use dominated.
117. If a more decorative fountain is required, an ornamental fountain, such as this dolphin one, can be installed.
118. There are also some decorative arts scattered around the museum, and one wishes there were more.
119. This includes travel goods, kitchenware and decorative accessories in classic Sanderson designs.
120. The poem had been embroidered on a pretty decorative pillow.