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61. Several dissidents are considered ( as ) persona non grata by a certain government. 62. It's 24-year-old Guo Jingming, a pop idol whose cross-dressing, image-obsessed persona has made him a sensation in a country where the Communist dictatorship advocates prudery and heterosexuality. 63. We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. 64. The authors keep several searchable databanks of stock photography available for finding the right persona pictures. 65. Focus the design for each interface on a single primary persona. 66. Arguably, it is the fact she is such a class act. However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona. 67. In his memoirs, legendary Swedish director Ingmar Bergman said of Persona, "I had gone as far as I could go ... I touched wordless secrets that only the cinema can discover." 68. From time to time he will take on a new persona. 69. Our favorite casting is Jeremy Davies (Lost) as the frail and whiny Fredo Corleone. Although, those thin ties he wears in almost every role may not fly with his mafioso persona. 70. The 'pipe and slippers' persona did occasionally mask a ruthless streak and sharp tongue - he once said of a fellow manager "A lot of teams beat us, do a lap of honour and don't stop running." 71. But behind Gates's public persona was a corporate strategist whose tactics of competition some have likened to those of John D. Rockefeller. 72. As Mark Darcy, Firth played an illusive dreamboat named after his own television triumph as Austen's hero; Grant's portrayal of the caddish Daniel Cleaver was an amused nod at his own popular persona. 73. In part, it may have been his grandfatherly persona, which appealed to young people in search of wise elders and finding so few. 74. What's your persona about this Americana? Brama, am I shallow'cause all my clothes designer? 75. Best known as a television star, Harry Anderson created and presented his con man persona in comedy and nightclubs and starred in his own television specials. 76. Marilyn Manson (Brian Hugh Warner) is an American Singer known for his controversial stage persona and image as the lead singer of the eponymous band, Marilyn Manson. 77. The great mastermind behind masterpieces such as "Winter Light," "Persona" and "Cries and Whispers" died peacefully in his sleep on the Swedish island of Faro at the age of 89. 78. A persona is a made up person who is representative of a target group. 79. You are a modified Type 3 maintenance android fashioned to look like my A. I. persona. 80. Dumb Blonde: The capricious schtick was all a persona, if Hollywood legend is to be believed. 81. Many usability practitioners use the terms persona and user profile synonymously. 82. He's the crow about his online profile, adopts a bad - boy persona and flirts like hell. 83. As Dr. Cohen suggests, in the popular imagination, a white lab coat is as much a part of a doctor's persona as a cowboy's 10-gallon hat or an engineer's pocket protector. 84. My friends were confused about me, but I'd throw them off my trail by embracing the persona of a cynical, slightly neurotic fatalist. 85. Provisional personas are, in fact, a more fleshed - out persona hypothesis ( as described in Chapter 4 ). 86. Life goals describe a persona's long-term desires, motivations, and self-image attributes, which cause the persona to connect with a product. 87. When a survey is finished, the instrument can duma the stored data into a portable persona computer by a build-in RS-232 standard interface. 88. Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger's return to the centrist persona that got him elected. 89. But her sex kitten persona left her pigeonholed in shallow roles and alone. 90. Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an Indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persona with disability and improve their quality of life.