finite造句61. The very language of this passage breaks all the barriers of a finite and static world.
62. This is an uncommon situation as experimental experience suggests that the energy change is finite.
63. Likewise, finite decimal expressions of unrestricted length give us nothing new, since these are just particular cases of fractions.
64. There would be a finite number - you would be able to count them all.
65. I behold him as something no smaller or more finite or reducible than my passions.
66. It is quite easy to restrict normal form programs to finite sets of values.
67. Its ability to absorb wastes and destructive effluent is finite.
68. Here, finite verbs will agree in both cases with the superficially plural pronoun.
69. The habitat of an animal population offers only finite resources for its use.
70. Similarly there are a finite number of types of module; source, foreign, package, and pmodel.
71. However, given finite resources, concepts of effectiveness and efficiency must be considered alongside concepts of need.
72. Large amounts of undeveloped land, a finite resource, have been covered by roads and built development.
73. Each partition contains space for a finite number of items which are added and deleted in a pre-defined order.
74. Yes, but because the speed of light is finite, there will be a delay between the leftward and rightward pushes.
75. There appears to be only a finite number of such theories.
76. Social evolution without ecological reference is ultimately a logical impossibility in a world of finite resources.
77. Whether they all cancel out to give a theory that is finite without any infinite subtractions is not yet known.
78. The major failing with finite state grammars is their inability to deal with any dependencies that exist between non-adjacent words.
79. He had in those days of innocence seen the Edition as a finite task that would lead on to other things.
80. For one thing, you are forgetting the basic fact that light travels at finite speed.
81. The North can argue, of course, that in a world of finite fossil fuel resources inefficiency in itself is immoral.
82. The fusing of maleness and femaleness results in a unique and finite new creation.
83. It is therefore possible to unwind the program that many times, obtaining a finite syntactic approximation which exhibits the same behaviour.
84. It does not refer to naive anthropomorphism, to childish notions of a kind of finite Person resident somewhere.
85. The finite element and dynamic stiffness methods are introduced and exemplified in simple cases.
86. The third section identifies a number of situations where such equivalences can arise, and develops a normal form for finite programs.
87. This, like the argument about human progress, suggests that the universe can have been going only for a finite time.
88. When each state has only a finite set of children, this won't happen.
89. Politicians are endowed by law with finite, and short, time horizons.
90. This indeed has been the case ever since self-replicating molecular assemblages evolved to exploit finite resources.