formally造句241. If the proposal is acceptable supervisory arrangements are made before the candidate's application is formally approved.
242. Voice over Mrs Garvey's uncle Richard Moore, who formally identified the bodies, attended the inquest.
243. Arnold shook hands formally with Mr and Mrs Hendry and patted David on the head.
244. Although formally non-binding the impact of such instruments upon the development of international law can not be ignored.
245. Relations with Vatican Diplomatic relations were formally restored with the Vatican on Sept. 20.
246. His policy plan will also be formally presented and debated at the conference.
247. We shook hands formally all around... grateful that we had had this rare chance to cement international good-fellowship.
248. They still want Dini to formally resign ahead of the debate.
249. Identification Definitions of pollution are bound up with the process by which pollution is formally brought to light and identified.
250. Maclean of Treshnish arrived the day before the moid was formally opened.
251. Arabic, Eskimo, and some Slavonic languages formally distinguish between one, two, and more than two.
252. The Centre should be timetabled for operational use by students and formally supervised by a designated member of staff.
253. Li stands, straightens his tie, formally shakes my hand, and moves purposefully down the hallway.
254. Mueller thus gained immediate planning control of world wide operations, even before he had formally received top management approval to proceed.
255. Diocesan Inquiry has just been formally opened.
256. The affidavit was formally read to the court.
257. To reply formally to an allegation make in court.
258. Prof. Bough formally informed the students of the date.
259. To relinquish ( power or responsibility ) formally.
260. When used formally, the initial letter is capitalized.
261. Magnus Derrick had formally and definitely refused his adherence to the scheme.
262. The resolution as formally passed was one of condemnation rather than censure.
263. The concept of WEN-TI formally formed as it was quoted by ancient Chinese scholars in expositions.
264. The belief in the corporeal assumption of Mary was formally declared to be dogma by Pope Pius XII in 1950; Roman Catholics must therefore hold the doctrine as true.
265. Formally, mid - term and final oral reports must be delivered, and a final report must be submitted.
266. In Sri Lanka, in January, President Mahinda Rajapakse formally scrapped a cease-fire agreement that had been signed in 2002 with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
267. NIA has been formally recognised by the Securities and Investment Institute in the United Kingdom.
268. A serious meditator pays bare attention to occurrences all the time, day in, day out, whether formally sitting in meditation or not.
269. We have formally applied for plan permission for the new shopping precinct.
270. The area was colonized by the Spanish and formally ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (848).