explosive造句151 Some speculative future applications of explosive materials in the space programme conclude the scientific presentations.
152 He was to suffer from bouts of explosive flatulence for the rest of his life.
153 One final, explosive question remains: Why did a virus that was once so rare suddenly burst into a global pandemic?
154 After surgery, he must rehabilitate his leg to develop the strength necessary to once again be an explosive runner.
155 But the bomb casings and high explosive charges in nuclear weapons can not withstand fire and explosive shock.
156 An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
157 By contrast, the manufacturers of ammonium nitrate fertiliser have always manfully ignored its explosive properties, despite frequent forceful reminders.
158 They droned about, surrounded by the black, dissolving snorts of high explosive.
159 Investigator Charles Barnett said all three face felony conspiracy, burglary and explosive devices charges.
160 The pillars of coal left behind were compressed, releasing large amounts of an explosive mixture of air and methane called firedamp.
161 Venture capital is investment money pooled together and poured into firms with the potential for rapid, explosive growth.
162 At one spot the Federals succeeded in undermining the Confederate works in preparation to laying an explosive charge.
163 On the planet, unaware of being watched, Ace was laying explosive charges.
164 Next, explosive activity will start, blasting ashy material in jets a couple of hundred metres above sea level.
165 Traceable tags for explosive material will only be studied, not used.
166 The politically explosive domestic bases plan requires approval by an independent commission, President Bill Clinton and Congress.
167 Jamie and Lisa would have been a far more explosive storyline.
168 It's also your responsibility to strip beds and arrange for the disposal of inflammable or explosive materials.
169 The Methane produced on landfill sites is very explosive and can lead to severe illness if inhaled to a great extent.
170 Oxygen is a highly reactive gas, combining with many elements in a fierce explosive union we call fire or burning.
171 The relationship between sedentary and peripatetic peoples had no doubt always required diplomacy but these days it could be explosive.
172 To be sure, the on-line travel industry is still in its infancy, but it appears poised for explosive growth.
173 A pound and a quarter of C-4 explosive was tied with an explosive cord to wooden crates holding the rockets.
174 It is difficult to maintain a consistent level of surgical anaesthesia with ether and it is in addition highly explosive.
175 Carlton Palmer sent make-shift striker Paul Warhurst clear in the 31st minute for an explosive finish that finally removed any Wednesday anxiety.
176 I think I would take a train into a siding somewhere and load it with high explosive.
177 It leapt back into the air with an explosive flutter of wing and tail, warbling consternation, signalling alarm.
178 How could this explosive device possibly have been smuggled aboard?
179 There have been no additional explosive devices found nor any arrests made.
180 They drew away from each other, so mutually sated with explosive body contact that both needed a temporary reprieve.