快好知 kuaihz

1 He is servile to his boss. 2 He was subservient and servile. 3 I don't like his servile manner. 4 An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion. 5 Parents have no right to demand servile obedience from their children. 6 And there was nothing servile about them. 7 Away with slavish weeds and servile thoughts! 8 He was young and hard-working, though annoyingly servile. 9 The girl was definitely not servile in her speech or appearance. 10 This cowardly and servile Nizan-Pluvinage was ready to lick the dust to deceive the intended victims of his spying. 11 The head waiter made a servile fuss when they arrived and begged permission for a photograph to be taken for publicity purposes. 12 The cruel king and his servile courtiers entered the room. 13 The driver asked in a servile tone for more instructions. 14 They are outdated,[www.] servile images that have survived somehow in a changing world. 15 To behave in a servile way ; fawn . 16 Brown's attempt at servile insurrection. 17 Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning . 18 A good servant should be complaisant but not servile. 19 He spoke in a servile tone. 20 Antigone challenges his servile happiness. 21 Their servile lives were spent in grovelling and cringing and toiling and running about like little dogs at the behest of their numerous masters. 22 They said she had a servile attitude to her employer. 23 You shall do no servile work in the time of this day: because it is a day of propitiation, that the Lord your God may be merciful unto you. 24 Involuntary, or servile, concubinage sometimes involves sexual slavery of one member of the relationship, typically the woman. 25 An earthy , uncouth, servile peasant creature old Katy was. 26 As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile. 27 It is logical that they revealed an intimate but not servile attachment to the achievements of past master sculptors. 28 As it was, it was impossible for even the most servile and well-meaning to avoid offence. 29 They lead a double life, on the surface passive, even servile, but inside they suffer. 30 On the first day shall be an holy convocation : ye shall do no servile work therein.