excavation造句31 Special precautions were taken to ensure the stability of the track during excavation for the foundations of the structure.
32 Since excavation involves destruction of much of the evidence, it is an unrepeatable exercise.
33 Witnesses at the inquest describe the excavation as being carried out in benches 5 feet high.
34 What are the best excavation methods for retrieving this information?
35 Howard Carter's own sketches, excavation notes, photographs, diaries and letters provide the historical background to the finds.
36 The task required the excavation of three and half million tons of rock with enough dynamite to level Toledo.
37 This station is new; much excavation had to be done to provide space and a new platform hall.
38 An excavation of a Roman villa, for example, can produce several tons of small fragments of pottery, glass and tiles.
39 Significant technological advances in underwater excavation and recovery are proving a mixed blessing in the field of marine archaeology.
40 Some sustained underwater excavation by Crossley and Yeadon, opened a route passable with big tanks, enabling exploration beyond.
41 The excavation of a Roman town house revealed fragments of a mosaic floor.
42 This has opened the way for what has become the largest excavation of a medieval castle yet in Britain.
43 Construction was halted when excavation work on the baroque square unearthed the ruins of a medieval synagogue destroyed in 1421.
44 Today they are out doing an excavation, looking for whatever is down there in conjunction with their theme on dinosaurs.
45 The excavation of the Viking site at York was so important, though, that the development plans were changed.
46 Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
47 Once the excavation is over, the vast majority of sites revert to the anonymity that they possessed before it started.
48 Research into Anglo-Saxon pottery found in the excavation of settlements has tended to focus on questions relating to domestic pottery production.
49 Recorded in this way, the information is easier to sort and analyse after the excavation has finished.
50 For instance, one person may estimate only electrical work, whereas another may concentrate on excavation, concrete, and forms.
51 Gravel pits help wildlife Excavation of sand and gravel may scar the landscape but it does increase habitats for wildlife.
52 Methods of Excavation Excavation is both costly and destructive, and therefore never to be undertaken lightly.
53 Desk-top publishing already promises exciting possibilities for reducing the cost of publishing excavation reports.
54 The Doctor paced around the excavation measuring the depth and imprint of the relics.
55 Many of these features were examined by Artis, though some have also benefited from recent fieldwork and excavation.
56 Half of the library is still buried beneath more recent buildings and awaits excavation.
57 A tiny excavation may remain.
58 He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into a excavation.
59 The excavation exposed some ancient ruins.
60 He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation.