快好知 kuaihz

1 They seem to equate intelligent belief with credulity. 2 Do my qualifications equate to any in your country? 3 You can't equate passing examination and being intelligent. 4 We cannot equate the possession of wealth with goodness. 5 You can't equate the education system of Britain to that of Germany. 6 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest. 7 We cannot equate might with right. 8 Most people equate wealth with success. 9 Some parents equate education with exam success. 10 We are taught to equate beauty with success. 11 The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism. 12 One should not equate wealth with happiness. 13 You can't equate his poems with his plays. 14 I don't see how you can equate the two things. 15 It's hard to equate this gentle woman with the monster portrayed in the newspapers. 16 The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror. 17 Don't equate criticism with blame. 18 Other parents equate education with the passing of examinations. 19 Is it fair to equate alcohol with hard drugs? 20 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains. 21 Parents typically equate fairness with equality,[www.] seeking to evenly split the wealth they bequeath among their offspring. 22 Clients equate reward potential with risk, a fact dealers exploit, but the two may not coexist proportionately. 23 First, one can not crudely equate surplus labour, surplus product and surplus-value. 24 Each package would probably equate to a half module and there should be a clear set of prerequisites. 25 I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority. 26 The mass of the proton is 1836 times that of an electron, yet their electrical charges equate. 27 Official explanations of deficiencies in teaching quality have tended to equate such deficiencies with tendencies to adopt transmission patterns of teaching. 28 Psychologically, it must have been extremely difficult for these students to equate suspect institutions with personable people. 29 Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit. 30 There is little doubt that those Roman writers who equate slaves with concubines were telling the truth.