mortality rate造句61. His mortality rate was so high that it was skewing the hospital's average.
62. Overall, the age - adjusted annual mortality rate from bullous skin diseases was 0.103 deaths per 100, 000.
63. Due to exaggerated talk about the incurability of the disease, the risk of transmission and mortality rate, people remain horrified by the disease. "The gravity of the disease has been overstated."
64. Results The infected mice began to fall ill at 6 d post-infection, symptoms including decreased appetite, pilomotor fur, sloth, shakes and diarrhea, with a mortality rate of 20%.
65. The 28-day neonatal mortality rate was 47.3 per 1000 live births.
66. Some women are unable to have another baby after an abortion. In addition, infant mortality rate for women who have had an abortion is between 2 and 4 times the normal rate.
67. Vallecular cyst in infants is rare. Yet, the mortality rate is very high, if it is not correctly diagnosed and treated.
68. Results There was a dose-response relationship between concentration of ponceau 4R and mortality rate of drosophila in acute toxicity test.
69. A few possible causes of increased late mortality rate may relate to impaired liver regeneration, and another is the effects of etanercept on immune function, " says Dr. Shah."
70. In the USA, the mortality rate during that pandemic was around 2.5 %.
71. Conclusion: With the development of the maternity and child health care and medical technology, the city's neonatal mortality rate was faster decline in.
72. The overall mortality rate three years after the injury was 16%, or about one in six people, compared to average expected mortality in the general population of 5.9%, according to the study.
73. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic rupture caused by blunt injury could lead to severe thoracoabdominal injury. In spite of high mortality rate, the condition is usually under diagnosed.
74. Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate in the world -- 257 deaths per 1,000 live births, and 70 percent of the population lacks access to clean water, the agency said.
75. Wars and natural disasters are both the reasons for the mortality rate to skyrocket.
76. Early neonatal mortality rate was significant decreased in Period II (43% versus 14%).
77. The mortality rate was 14 % in EOD and 4 % in LOD infants.
78. The bureau reported an infant mortality rate of 466 per 100,000 people.
79. The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed.
80. Iceland has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world, and almost the highest longevity.
81. The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate.
82. They chose several widely-measured and well-studied indices on which to base their index: GDP per capita, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate and the incidence of tuberculosis.
83. The 30 - day mortality rate was 18 % ( 3 of 17 patients ).
84. Its mortality rate, in its most virulent strains, is 90 %.
85. Results 97 cases underwent diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and laparotomy, 92 cases healed, 5 cases dead, mortality rate was 6%.
86. Coal miners far and away have the highest mortality rate from pneumoconiosis, or black lung disease, which is cause by long-term exposure to coal dust.
87. From the very beginning of seed germination, the genetic factors and environmental factors affect the mortality rate of seedlings generated on cut-over area.
88. Meanwhile, the mortality rate for AIDS is virtually 100 percent.
89. Though the rate of harm of ophiophagus hannah is rather low, the mortality rate is very high.