tick造句61. Then do the same for the team you wish to select - the tick box will then appear.
62. The minutes will tick, the days will pass, the journey is ours, smile while it lasts.RVM
63. When the council's officers work as a team the whole work of the staff will tick over smoothly.
64. Mercifully, the Windows shell offers you tick boxes instead of command line switches to make life a little easier.
65. There will be a little clock in the lower right hand corner that will tick down.
66. What makes us strange creatures tick, Liz, do you know?
67. Every time he had a tantrum she put a tick in the appropriate square.
68. Just tick the appropriate box below and attach the coupon to the front of your letter.
69. Jody has thought a lot about what makes Red tick.
70. His mind translates the tick of skipping ropes until the big time fills his head.
71. They are lonely, sitting in quiet living rooms with clocks that loudly announce the passage of time with each tick.
72. Put a tick in the column that applies to you. 1.
73. Most of the questions may be answered with a tick.
74. If you wish to take advantage of this option, simply tick the appropriate box on the application form.
75. Double-click on a blank area of the screen, then select the tick to get back to the main menu. 4.
76. The Republicans and Democrats tick over with a skeleton staff and then hire specialist consultants for each campaign.
77. Tick them off as they appear - until you can call Diamond full house.
78. Here the pulses are converted into signals that provide the directional information, just as with a conventional switch type joys tick.
79. The best costume wins an authentic Tick prize autographed by Tick creator Ben Edlund.
80. As she began to tick them off, a manservant rushed up with a magnum of champagne.
81. Smithagain in the tradition of the Enlightenmenttried to figure out what made people tick.
82. We never get a sense of why anyone is doing what he is doing or what truly makes anyone tick.
83. I would listen to what makes you tick and what you like and then be me with those characteristics.
84. It's like reading a biography of a favourite author to learn what makes them tick.
84.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
85. In complete darkness, the circadian clock still continues to tick vigorously.
86. Goodness only knows what makes them tick, or why they thought they could get away with it here.
87. And if you'd like to see the full collection just tick the box on your order form for the complete Essentials.
88. Usually when you wonder what makes people tick you speculate about such things as their motives, attitudes and feelings.
89. Did you find any more ticks on him you know this is tick season, Mom.
90. As long as the component's use is not significantly different, these items should get a tick on the boffin's clipboard.