desirable造句91. A careful record, with corroboration, is always desirable in such extreme circumstances.
92. Lopez, who has insured her assets for £660 million, has been voted the world's most desirable woman.
93. Only 28 percent rated a video on-demand service as highly desirable.
94. Write a short paragraph on the desirable qualities of a good receptionist. 2.
95. It could be argued that telepathy is a desirable characteristic for the subordinates of such a person!
96. That is their sole purpose - to strengthen desirable behaviour.
97. The tokens are given only on completion of a specified desirable behaviour.
98. The latter's captaincy gave him some pleasant social summers at camps near Brighton but rather less desirable autumn duties elsewhere.
99. The reward is given only if a desirable behaviour occurs and the punisher is given only if undesirable behaviour occurs.
100. Should the child lose the reward it earns for a desirable behaviour?
101. Below turning to the Gobitis Case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished.
102. It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production, samples be withdrawn periodically and put on long-term stability test.
103. Oak Hills is one of the area's most desirable neighborhoods.
104. A drawback to this response is that merely bearing a desirable attribute in mind does not necessarily remove the problem.
105. Roll and Ross argue that these portfolios may have desirable qualities for the potential investor.
106. How perfect Cammy had become in his memory, how much more desirable for having stepped behind a locked door!
107. The survey appears to contradict motor industry claims that customers still rate high performance as one of the most desirable attributes.
108. If seducing desirable women was so easy, why had he not done it before?
109. It is desirable that the systems we develop in-house should be compatible with those in use elsewhere.
110. O.K. This is the desirable weight range for your health.
111. Faced with growing domestic demand, further tree growing seems desirable, offering ample scope for the development of sylvopastoral systems.
111.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
112. But there are many desirable dispositions that do not accord with the constitutional structure we live under.
113. Although it is desirable for the clearinghouses to be able to distribute or lend material, it is not essential.
114. But it is the means by which these desirable ends are to be achieved that must shock and dismay.
115. Because there are so many desirable objectives to achieve for the convalescent patient the outcome of rehabilitative measures is difficult to quantify.
116. Most reformers in 1900 wished to achieve both, though they differed upon definitions of desirable behaviour.
117. Of all of these, the appointment of an independent counsel is the least desirable.
118. As he went into the garden, Nick thought she had never looked more beautiful or more desirable.
119. Homogeneity is also desirable in the meaning of lines and arrows.
120. This can be a delicate operation since it is desirable that this card fill most of its allotted area.