domesticated造句61. Another theory proposes that the two major sub-species of rice - Oryza sativa japonica and O. sativa indica - were domesticated separately and in different parts of Asia.
62. Food: Turkey, a large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
63. Carbon Bank Ireland ( CBI ) is a privately owned company domesticated in the Republic of Ireland.
64. "They had wild sheep, wild grains that could be domesticated—and the people with the potential to do it, " Schmidt says.
65. All dogs, no matter what the breed, belong to the same subspecies (Canis lupus familiaris) of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from which they were domesticated.
66. As a vegetable-fruit crop, Yam bean (called Digua by the southwestern Chinese) was introduced from America and domesticated and cultivated firstly by the Peruvian Indians.
67. In fact, the work of America’s wild bees might be especially needed in view of the blows being dealt to the nation’s No. 1 pollinator, the “domesticated” European honey bee, Apis mellifera.
68. Any of various small, short-eared domesticated rodents of the genus Cavia, having variously colored hair and no visible tail. They are widely kept as pets and often used as experimental animals.
69. PDD is a fatal disease that causes nervous system disorders in both domesticated and wild birds in the psittacine , or parrot, family worldwide.
70. This gives us the best evidence yet that in a community with domesticated animals but before dairying, the infecting strain was actually the human pathogen.
71. Many growers prefer to keep hybrid cacao trees that are tougher but produce lower-quality chocolate than the Criollo tree, which was domesticated 3, 000 years ago.
72. A natural hair fiber obtained from the Alpaca sheep, a domesticated member of the llama family.
73. Any of various birds of the order Galliformes, especially the common, widely domesticated chicken ( Gallus gallus ).
74. Reporting their results in the journal Science today (24 November), the scientists identify a gene that functions in wild wheat but not in domesticated wheat varieties.
75. The polecat is just as much a sneak and a thief as it's domesticated cousin and the name reflects that.
76. Horses, a hoofed mammal are another example of animals that were domesticated a long time ago.
77. A domesticated South American ruminant mammal(Lama glama) related to the camel, raised for its soft, fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden.
78. Some men think it unmanly to be domesticated; others find gratification in it.
79. A large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
80. The two-humped camel of central Asia was also domesticated long ago.
80. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
81. This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells.
82. A domesticated yak, used as a work animal or raised for meat and milk.
83. In many systems of permanent subsistence agriculture, domesticated animals play an important role.
84. The European honeybee, first imported to the Colonies some 400 years ago, has been the domesticated pollinator workhorse in the U.S. since people began trucking them up and down highways in the 1950s.
85. Domesticated and captive animals have their rights restricted even further.
86. Horizontal resistance, being variable in the wild state, can be domesticated.
87. The domestic pigeon, derived from the rock pigeon, is the world's oldest domesticated bird.
88. The new findings were reached by resequencing 630 gene fragments on three chromosomes from a wide variety of wild and domesticated rice strains.
89. Any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build and longer ears, and including the domesticated donkey.
90. Blu is a domesticated macaw from the jungles of South America.