out of it造句151. Mr Thomlinson had made a rather ugly rockery out of it.
152. I wanted to grab my head and shake the cement out of it.
153. What advantages will they and the other operators get out of it?
154. And if playing is too easy, it might take all the fun out of it.
155. Britain is in an economic mess and we need level-headed, responsible leaders to pull us out of it.
156. The thin permeable skin allows moisture to flow into the animal rather than out of it.
157. I did break the rules and go over and cuddle her in her cot, but not pick her up out of it.
158. The work should be planned carefully, however, to ensure that the pupils are getting something out of it as well.
159. The Spartans were out of it by halftime, with the Bulldogs ahead, 30-6.
160. Merlyn was a dark column near a window, apparently looking out of it although the torrent obscured the view.
161. Some one gets a good idea, and no one wants to be left out of it.
162. As the finance company started to fail a few opportunists managed to make more money out of it.
163. But out of it came the decision to make John Riggins the focus of the one-back attack that became a Gibbs trademark.
164. The hon. and learned Gentleman made an epigram out of it.
165. He came out of it with a sprained knee and would not be able to play for six or seven weeks.
166. The man who got out of it left the headlights full on and the engine running.
167. The fact is: if you feed garbage into a computer, garbage is what you get out of it. 4.
168. He repeatedly told himself he'd beat the stiffness out of it one day.
169. I think you grow out of it a little bit, but initially you are very vulnerable.
170. I have relatively high stakes in conformity - I happen to have done fairly well out of it.
171. At least he had gotten an assigned journal entry out of it.
172. He went on getting a kick out of it till about Wednesday of the next week.
173. Then, Benjamin tries to talk his way out of it by saying that he slowed down at the stop sign.
174. He's so depressed. He doesn't seem able to snap out of it at all.
175. Her mouth opened wider; and longer and louder words fell out of it.
176. But it needed the right impetus to get him out of it.
177. I rinsed the sponge as well as I could, lathered it, squeezed much black water out of it.
178. What you say out of it they will not heed.
179. Once they are enmeshed in the often-chaotic foster care system it is extraordinarily difficult to get out of it.
180. They took a sheet at either end and began to shake the water out of it.