快好知 kuaihz

91. She lay rigid for a count of ten, eyes tightly closed, then very slowly opened them again. 92. Anselm was made to appear to have been too rigid in his interpretation of the decree of 1099. 93. She reached over now and touched his cold rigid hand. 94. Bernice thought she detected more than a suggestion of injured pride in his rigid stance. 95. Keeping the body rigid, press with the hands until the arms are straight. 96. At the networks, a rigid line separated news from entertainment; news was considered serious and important business. 97. Apart from the fact that the fixed periods are unreasonably long, they are unreasonably arbitrary and rigid. 98. Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process. 99. She was very pale, but bore herself with rigid composure. 100. But these public memories are rigid in organization and inflexible in description; they do not respond to questions, or contents. 101. During preoperational development, children become aware of rules and demand of others a rigid adherence to rules. 102. The President will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule. 103. Only rarely does one feel Dustin's personality breaking through the rigid mask Nichols has constructed for him. 104. This is one of the most convincing of all proofs of increasingly rigid discipline on the battlefield. 105. It could be argued that these criteria are too rigid. 106. They introduced rigid quality control, centralised distribution and electronic tills. 107. In Workplace 2000, rigid hierarchies will be dismantled, as will the ceremonial trappings of power. 108. This suggests substantial modification to past practices which seem to have involved fairly rigid directives or administratively complex individual project schemes. 109. The tent is made of strong canvas attached to a rigid frame. 110. The arteries, much more rigid than veins and buried deeper in the body, are unaffected. 110.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 111. Finally she lurched away from the luggage queue, swinging gear on to a processing table to be inspected by a rigid agent. 112. Male bodies, nearly naked, flesh rigid with cold beneath a silvery moon, were a brand-new experience to her. 113. Its rigid main stem needs no support, even when loaded with flowers and pods. 114. Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates. 115. They should be kept in a rigid container made for the purpose and stored in a secure place. 116. To freeze: Spoon into a rigid container and freeze for up to 3 months. 117. The assignment to attack Midway on 5 June in preparation for the landing operation put his force under rigid limitations of movement. 118. The ephemeral nature of fluid flow belies the rigid rules which govern its behaviour. 119. Some are ruled by single females, in a society even more rigid than that of a beehive. 120. They are oviparous, or egg laying, and have rigid fangs.