快好知 kuaihz

151 Figure 2 provides a small "cheat sheet" comparing regular vi command-mode cursor movement against the ksh vi inline editor command-mode movement. 152 By adding zoom-in and zoom-out functions, the panel added to the cursor can be magnified and reduced when a text effect item is input. 153 Put the mouse cursor over the elevation and windage knobs to see the tops. 154 To clear data from the current cursor position the end of a line, you use tput el. 155 Selections will be overwritten by typed text and will be lost on cursor movement. 156 There are two basic variants of palette tool behavior: modal tools and charged cursor tools. 157 In the lock mode the mouse and cursor are hidden after a certain idle time. 158 Mobile cursor devised in the sonagram can be used to select some time points to analyse in details with sepectrograms and corresponding parameters. 159 A computer mouse is the device that moves the pointer or cursor on computer screen. 160 Moves cursor to the last cell on the sheet that contains data. 161 A cursor variable cannot be used as a parameter to a remote procedure call. 162 You can check the field name by holding the cursor over the referenced item. 163 A dragger is an object that moves a DOM element around in response to a moving cursor. 164 At the end of the syntax verification, there is an AST corresponding to the XAML that a XAML-specific document tree which acts as a view or cursor into that AST. 165 In addition, you can use the setting, Enable cursor positioning option on input fields, to allow the user to switch from data input mode to cursor positioning mode for input fields. 166 To return the cursor to its last saved location, include the rc option, or "restore cursor position." 167 There are also some thoughtful touches - like the blinking cursor. 168 For example, a far more useful automation for FocusGained events might be to have Vim briefly emphasize the cursor line whenever you swap back to your editing session, as shown in Listing 2. 169 If you instead use GetString, same thing: blinking cursor, the function is just going to wait for the user to type a word, a sentence or whatever, and then hit Enter. 170 It will execute as soon as a user clicks and releases it with the mouse cursor. 171 Draw a line from the Swype key to the Sym key, and you get a great layout with cursor control, text selection, and copy/paste controls. 172 Consider using WaitCursor as the annotation type for modularizing the wait cursor management around all methods that carry an annotation instance of that type. 173 Now when performing the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation within the stored procedure, DB2 tries to establish the remote connection to database SAMPLE with the authorization ID of the local user. 174 Customize your keyboard settings, such as the cursor blink rate and the character repeat rate. 175 This status includes attribute information, clause information, typing information, and cursor position. 176 When all glyphs are done, set the text cursor to the new pen position. 177 It's always good to make sure that the file writing cursor is at the end of the file. 178 Move around a cursor spread tomato paste on the dough. 179 Now you're ready to insert your new row, which requires moving the cursor to the special insert row by calling the moveToInsertRow() method. 180 Moving the cursor or altering its attributes can be helpful in UNIX shell scripts or at the command line.