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61. What Roddick is at most pains to demonstrate is that honesty and commercialism can make compatible bedfellows. 62. Seals to original vehicle specification are compatible with silicone fluid. 63. So what do you think and who do we ask to find out if these rubber seals are compatible with silicone fluid? 64. In only three cases was administration of gangliosides compatible temporally with the onset of symptoms. 65. The software, binary compatible with Solaris 2.0, boasts new installation, administration, security and internationalisation features. 66. This is compatible with the hypothesis that prenatal nutrition affects subsequent pancreatic function. 67. Recipes accepted as great and sacrosanct are not always compatible with sense. 68. The success of a relationship depends largely on how compatible two people are and how well they communicate. 69. Output must be fully compatible with all the major word processors and battery life should be measured in days rather than hours. 70. The standard rule is: delegate to the lowest level possible, compatible with a reasonable chance of a successful outcome. 71. Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never been taken together. 72. The browse button lets you search different directories for compatible multimedia material. 73. Unfortunately he bought a printer that was not compatible with his computer. 74. Notice now that the range is compatible only at the virtual computer level and not at the hardware level. 75. Who knows whether we could find a compatible donor in a hundred years? 76. Their results are compatible with a 37% smaller or greater adrenaline response with human insulin compared with porcine insulin. 77. Quite often they have to be compatible, however, with paintings or with full-size sets or even with location shots. 78. Changes within capitalism are making the family and the market less and less compatible. 79. So far, we have examined the kinds of inequalities that are arguably compatible with legal equality. 80. In the end these separate plans are cobbled together by a central planning department and adjusted to make them compatible. 81. It is desirable that the systems we develop in-house should be compatible with those in use elsewhere. 82. To what extent these strategic aims are compatible remains to be seen. 83. This urged states to sign and ratify the convention and to make domestic legislation and administrative procedures compatible with it. 84. Moreover, national economic revival and the economic revitalization of distressed cities were not necessarily compatible. 85. A handy companion for Psion fans without a compatible Infrared phone. 86. Democracy holds out beliefs and references groups that are not compatible with great inequalities. 87. So the most basic camera kit would be a camera, with its own microphone and a compatible video recorder. 88. Reconciliation implies the need to achieve harmony by making different objectives compatible. 89. To put it in its starkest form, capitalism is perfectly compatible with slavery. 90. A literary text is compatible with an indefinite number of contexts yielding indefinitely many readings and re-readings.