快好知 kuaihz

61. This government's policies, said the speaker, have been tried and found wanting. 62. The boy must be feeling better, and he's been wanting up all day. 63. There is a mismatch between the capacity of the airport and the large number of people wanting to fly from it. 64. I can understand her wanting to live alone and be independent. 65. Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave. 66. One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law. 67. She distrusted his motives for wanting to see her again. 68. He went through a period of wanting to be accepted. 69. Embattled homeowners wanting to sell their homes will face further problems this year. 70. She went through life always wanting what she couldn't get. 71. The scheme offers free advice to people wanting to set up in business. 72. He accused his opponents of wanting to overturn the government. 73. I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children. 74. The growing popularity of the subject is evident in the numbers of students wanting to study it. 75. He said he didn't like the president, but not to the extent of wanting to kill him. 76. Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage. 77. The government is walking a difficult tightrope in wanting to reduce interest rates without pushing up inflation. 78. What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it. 79. When you're ill, wanting to get well again is often half the battle. 80. 'Your secretary said you'd be wanting a cleaner,' she announced with her usual truculence. 81. Wanting a decent job and a home is hardly asking for the moon. 82. Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation. 83. He kept his feelings to himself, not wanting to rock the boat. 84. The toilets were found wanting as well. 85. Even their baby is bloated, and wanting more. 86. I brushed past, not wanting to touch him. 87. Isabel turned, wanting to end the conversation. 88. With the result that pure deduction is found wanting. 89. Both were confidently given and both were found wanting. 90. You're driving me crazy with wanting.