快好知 kuaihz

31. It can only reduce student numbers and make our education system more unequal. 32. Nationally, unequal terms of trade between the agricultural and industrial sectors serve to subsidize manufacturing. 33. The life-cycle of earnings People also experience radically unequal patterns of earnings over the span of their working lives as employees. 34. Unequal educational gains have further increased social and economic inequalities between regions and classes and have contributed to ethnic and political tensions. 35. Personal and social problems are explained in terms of the unequal distribution of power and resources in society. 36. It was an unequal contest, and Lorton was tired of playing the loser. 37. Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms. 38. Housing and schools remain segregated and unequal. Economic disparities grow ever greater and more intractable. 39. All societies differentiate and, to a greater or lesser extent, allocate unequal rewards on the basis of age. 40. People are paid unequal amounts because they have unequal talents. 41. They claim foreign governments pay massive subsidies to their aerospace industries and the unequal competition threatens the Jetstream factory's future. 42. The last minute of a hunt is an unequal struggle and quite rightly so. 43. Each U-235 nucleus that decays spontaneously emits two large but unequal fragments, plus several neutrons. 44. The first - unequal retirement ages - has been incorporated into the new scheme. 45. Critics claimed that economic success had done little to alleviate fundamental problems of poverty and the grossly unequal distribution of income. 46. Its rules protect the weak in a world of unequal power. 47. The unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market is deeply entrenched in our culture. 48. The distribution of medical services has always been both unequal and inequitable. 49. The country is in such disorder that a successor may be unequal to the task of putting it right. 50. We were of unequal size: the larger one had to be fairer and the smaller one realistic. 51. The unequal distribution of wealth is a feature of our system of government. 52. The boxers were so unequal in size that it was never really a true contest. 53. It was an unequal relationship. He was rich, powerful and experienced -- I was very young and naive. 54. It's bad enough trying to fly with unequal line lengths; having an asymmetric kite can be most frustrating! 55. Everybody knows that one of our great ills today is the unequal distribution of wealth. 56. Only an unequal distribution that takes need into account can achieve the goal of effective equality of access to medical care. 57. Correspondingly most of the persons in a close network of relationships are of unequal rather than equal status. 58. An important aspect of alliances - like alliances in international politics - is that they frequently are between highly unequal partners. 59. The statistics leave no doubt that the triumph of capital has lead to more and more unequal distribution of income and wealth. 60. It is more debatable whether differences which are the outcome of different job characteristics are the outcome of unequal treatment or not.