serious造句151. Southwark council admitted making serious miscalculations in this year's budget.
152. Untreated heat stress can lead to a more serious problem heat exhaustion.
153. Not definite modelling and succinct harmonious colour have also presented serious, gentle frame under unitary light.
154. Professor Eagleson warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language.
154. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
155. Other serious bacterial diseases include cholera, diphtheria, bacterial meningitis, and syphilis.
156. Hearthguard – a clan of magistrates and administrators, slow and serious.
157. Hepatitis B was eliminated as a serious transfusion peril by the late 1970 s.
158. Administrative agencies usually are created to deal with current crises or to redress serious social problems.
159. The Syrian army, though suffering deeper serious casualties, had not broken.
160. To them, Chinese students are so serious, shy or even withdrawing.
161. The sloping cropland distributes extensively in the TGRA with serious soil losses.
162. This might raise serious questions over the spatial distribution of the production.
163. He has suffered a serious setback in his political career.
164. I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious.
165. This is a subject for serious, well-informed discussion, not tabloid headlines.