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91, This seems eminently sensible, and indeed studies indicate that this approach can work best for some people. 92, There is only one good solution to capital flight: shaky governments must restore confidence by adopting sensible policies. 93, Indeed - what the dickens was the matter with her? - she didn't want to be sensible. 94, But, after a management reshuffle, it has done the sensible thing and cut the dividend. 95, However, if you are going to fly solo, refusing is the only sensible thing to do. 96, By this time the body count was getting so high, sensible people refused to ride along with us. 97, It is always sensible to avoid contact with blood spillages as much as possible when giving first aid to anyone. 98, There were sensible, scientific explanations about the effect of the changes in air pressure. 99, Some of the reforms are eminently sensible and have been introduced. 100, Exercise and a sensible diet will help you get your figure back after having a baby. 101, Before going amongst outlandish strangers, it may be sensible to camouflage oneself. 102, That would be regarded by the House as a sensible courtesy. 103, Roy Jenkins, an extremely sensible man who is less vulnerable to criticism than most, regarded the matter with mild amusement. 104, It would be sensible for dioceses to establish procedures for arbitration in case these are needed to settle disputes. 105, He was sensible not to contest the leadership as he commands less support across the party than Smith. 106, It was evident that the sensible decision had been reached to let the two most concerned fight it out alone. 107, It would seem sensible, therefore, to try and avoid using them as far as possible. 108, This starts out as sensible cost-saving and value.engineering but imperceptibly the boundary is crossed arid we enter the realm of skimping. 109, The net result was rising crime and falling detection rates - an astonishing pattern in our sensible and law-abiding community. 110, However[/sensible.html], it is clearly sensible for a business to adopt standard contract formation procedures. 111, After hours of brain searching work I arrived at a formula that produced some sensible - but not accurate figures. 112, In many cases, the most sensible location for an extraction fan is in the ceiling. 113, I see my weapons as reflections of a sensible, realistic caution - that of a true professional. 114, What I am advocating is balanced view of your own work and a more sensible approach to its shortcomings. 115, By the final whistle he'd done the sensible thing and switched to Gazza. 116, It effectively disrupted the old established patterns but prevented new and more sensible patterns developing. 117, The question for a public inquiry is whether that is a sensible way of calculating the direct benefit. 118, This is the point where the sensible dude gets out and walks the rest of the way. 119, An experienced photographer should have pointed out these things but it is sensible to acquaint yourself with some basic knowledge. 120, The accurate measurement of area by this method must be achieved before it is sensible to talk about reflectance.