faithful造句61. The playing is truly memorable, the recording faithful.
62. Yes, you were always such a faithful man.
63. The faithful heard sermons from pundits and talk-show hosts.
64. Orestes here and his faithful friend?
65. Some of the faithful have a theory.
66. Is being faithful the same thing as being obedient?
67. Geoffrey crouched at his knee like a faithful dog.
68. But now that faithful old slogan has been dropped.
69. Many older people still remain faithful to the party.
70. Mary's always been a trustworthy and faithful friend.
70.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
71. Men are as faithful as their options.Chris Rock
72. His faithful dog Hachiko waited for him.
73. It's a faithful reproduction of the original picture.
74. The faithful went on believing despite all rational argument.
75. Ready for another 40 years of faithful service?
76. He is acting responsibly, being faithful to his employer.
77. The apostles and the communities of the faithful were driven by the Spirit, faith and the knowledge of the Risen Lord.
78. The survey found that 39% of British women are faithful to one partner over a lifetime.
79. The party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates.
80. He alone had the key to each quarter: he and his faithful servant Robert alone knew the key to his secret.
81. Accordingly his faithful service here was rewarded with a Testimonial in October 1966 and a crowd of over 17,000 attended.
82. Respect and friendly relations amongst the faithful of different world religions is essential for true peace.
83. Not all people are truly faithful to their beliefs, and many have hypocritically professed what they do not really believe.Dr T.P.Chia
84. Cecil resigned from the Cabinet and ever since has been playing to full houses when he addresses the Tory faithful.
85. During the last year, two-thirds had remained faithful to a single partner.
86. And the faithful still see annexation as one way to pay that bill -- and no proof it will work is required.
87. Does Raymond communicate with Della Guardia first, or does he go downstairs to address the faithful?
88. Eventually he was rewarded for his long and faithful service by being placed in the heavens as the constellation of Aquarius.
89. The early Church saw, in the parable, a warning to be faithful in the interim period prior to the Second Coming.
90. Even in the parish churches it is heard lingering among the faithful.