derived造句61. This suggests that the mare basalts and the highland rocks have both been derived from mantle rocks of intermediate density.
62. In other words, cell lines derived from tumours of the same tissue may contain two different transforming genes.
63. The ordinate scaling is derived by dividing the area beneath a normal distribution curve into columnar segments of equal area.
64. The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics.
65. Unless they are boned, sir-loin steaks contain bone pieces of irregular shape that are derived from the hipbone.
66. Bjornsson decided not to use a formula derived from multiple regression analysis.
67. Figure 4 illustrates that the general equilibrium we have just derived is indeed a stable one.
67.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
68. He or she is aware that logically derived conclusions have a validity independent of factual truth.
69. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.
70. The manual gearboxes are derived from those fitted to the larger Renault 19 range.
71. Nobody knew whether or not it worked but we derived a certain pleasure from the savagery of the gambit.
72. Both bone shapes and muscle structure provide clues to identifying the part of the carcass from which a cut is derived.
73. In the Comstock-Needham system the terminology of the cells is derived from the veins which form their anterior margins.
74. The name was derived from dense mesquite groves that early railroad workers encountered there.
75. Zen had always derived much amusement from Ellen's simple-minded approach to current affairs.
76. An expression for the lowering of vapour pressure for dilute solutions can be derived from Raoult's law.
77. Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.Christopher Hitchens
78. His name was derived from his habit of wearing a blue hood of coarsely woven cloth which masked his face.
79. The notion of class consciousness is derived directly from Marxist analysis.
80. This is not surprising because there is still comparatively little available evidence from which such explanations can be derived.
81. Compounds of limitation are derived at three different levels, from limitations which are continuous, contextual, and contingent.
82. Therefore, triglyceride quantitation is based on the measurement of both the free glycerol and the glycerol derived from triglyceride hydrolysis.
83. Leese's idiosyncratic views on race derived from his own experiences rationalized in terms of a particular intellectual tradition.
84. Derived from satellite imagery at comparatively low resolution, predicted yields for different crops in different nation states become of commercial value.
85. Since reports were in sign the lexical identification of individual items often derived from the other parameters.
86. It is possible that some elements of the Hooligan dress-style were derived from the clothes favoured by costermongers in mid-nineteenth-century London.
87. Further studies indicate that these cells are derived of a novel cell lineage.
88. This list could be greatly extended with accounts of successful predictions and explanations made possible by inductively derived scientific laws and theories.
89. A definitive list of words was derived from a number of machine-readable dictionaries.
90. However the quantities derived from these parameters, which relate to biologically meaningful quantities, are very consistent.