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61. Doctors are now increasingly reluctant to prescribe tranquillisers for fear of being sued by patients who become addicted to them. 62. It is the most addictive drug ever - many become addicted from the first time they use it. 63. A worthy churchman more addicted to hunting than to academics. 64. Berg tapped into the unpalatable side of public opinion, becoming addicted to verbal wind-ups and hostility with fatal results. 65. Dolan, by his own admission, is addicted to the action. 66. She was like a cured alcoholic who finds he can take a drink without again becoming addicted. 67. As you are trying to quit, you must remember that you are addicted to a drug. 68. By 1947, Fred was a broken man addicted to alcohol and the treble chance. 69. By the time warnings were introduced, he says, he had become addicted. 70. People who use senna can also become addicted to its laxative effects. 71. I tried to give up smoking several times before I realized I was addicted. 72. Democrats are addicted to big government, big spending and big taxes. 73. The book gave me an understanding of what it must be like to be addicted to drugs. 74. How do people addicted to nicotine give up smoking cigarettes? 75. People who are under pressure, or have low self- esteem and confidence, are more likely to tell lies. People who are addicted to gambling, alcohol[.com], and drugs are potential liars.Dr T.P.Chia 76. When we are defined early on in our lives as bad and worthless we may become addicted to guilt. 77. I am an obsessive, addicted, manic observer of all forms of sporting activity. 78. Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate.Dr T.P.Chia 79. The greatest mistake in life is to get addicted to drugs - becoming a prisoner of ecstasy and hallucination, and less of a man.Dr T.P.Chia 80. Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love.Dr T.P.Chia 81. We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.Santosh Kalwar 82. By the time he was 16, he was addicted to heroin. 83. All of a sudden, they have to address parenting issues and deal with their addicted adult children. 84. Many of the girls come from the most appalling backgrounds of abuse and violence and approximately 60% are addicted to drugs. 85. Have we become the Huxleyan mob irretrievably affixed to the tube and addicted to its terror and its trivia? 86. When addicted people light up cigarettes, or inject heroin, they satisfy a powerful immediate craving. 87. Whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. 88. What does it mean to be addicted to MDMA? 89. He was habitually addicted to making love to ladies. 90. While working with cocaine for nerve block anesthesia, he and some of his associates became addicted.