快好知 kuaihz

31 Courtesy makes for safer driving. 32 It would be common courtesy to return their hospitality. 33 The hotel runs a courtesy bus from the airport. 34 It's a matter of courtesy to write and thank people after a party. 35 You could at least have had the courtesy to let me know. 36 At least do me the courtesy of telling the truth. 37 We were given a courtesy car to use while our car was under repair. 38 Did the Conservatives win courtesy of the division of the opposition vote between Labour and the Liberal Democrats? 39 While on holiday in Italy, the prime minister paid a courtesy visit to his opposite number in Rome. 40 You think he'd at least have the courtesy to call to say he'd be late. 41 The dealer will provide you with a courtesy car while your vehicle is being repaired. 42 As millions will have seen, by courtesy of the slow motion re-runs, the referee made a mistake. 43 This picture appears in the exhibition by courtesy of the local government. 44 She might have done me the courtesy of replying to my letter. 45 The painting is reproduced here by courtesy of the Tate Gallery. 46 He didn't even have the courtesy to answer my letter. 47 The pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum. 48 He didn't even have the courtesy to call and say he couldn't come. 49 'Mrs' was a courtesy title for any unmarried woman in business at that time. 50 Please do me the courtesy of listening to what I'm saying. 51 A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town. 52 A courtesy bus operates between the hotel and the town centre. 53 The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne, courtesy of the restaurant. 54 Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane. 55 By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them. 56 Healy received a deep cut on his left hand, courtesy of Nicol's ice skate. 57 It would only have been common courtesy to say thank you. 58 You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize ./courtesy.html 59 Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say. 60 The air was fresh, courtesy of three holes in the roof.