outcry造句121. This proposition was greeted with an immediate outcry of protest from Chang Su - su and Wu Chih - sheng.
122. At the Chicago Board of Trade, or CBOT, futures have always been traded using the open outcry system.
123. It is so with this iniquitous boy literature and the sudden outcry against it.
124. But one B - 52 strike was enough to trigger the domestic outcry.
125. Due to popular outcry against having a non-open source project on the site, Microsoft has pulled Sandcastle from CodePlex.
126. What really hit the fan was the public outcry that the LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) experiment was despoiling the pristine lunar environment.
127. Open outcry market ( ring trading ) - this market is attended by representatives of the LME ring dealing firms.
128. Such was the outcry that Galton soon dropped the idea.
129. The contract will trade in the open outcry crude oil futures trading ring on the floor of the Exchange and after-hours on the NYMEX ACCESS? electronic trading system.
130. There was an outcry against the concomitants of industrial growth.
131. The public outcry shows people are aware of the dehumanisation process.
132. The outcry the software plan has provoked is a cautionary tale for the fastest - growing major economy.
133. He says affairs between teachers and sixth-formers could be "educative on both sides"; public outcry ensues.
134. Suddenly there is talk of an "economic union" and even the necessity of an "economic government[.com]," yet there is no sign of the usual outcry.
135. So the Lord said a great outcry over Sodom and Gomorrah ; their sin is very grave.
136. Trading Hours: Open Outcry: 9:30 a. m. -1 :15 p. m . Chicago time, Mon - Fri.
137. In a Web outcry, customers have demanded refunds and posted details of how their DaVinci products turned out to be shoddily made or reeking of foul-smelling lacquers.
138. Trading Hours: Open Outcry: 9:30 a. m. -1 :15 p. m . Chicago time, mon-Fri.
139. There are fears that a political outcry over the decision may prompt the government to delay its rollout.
140. Ashtiani was convicted of adultery in 2006 and was originally sentenced to death by stoning, but the sentence was put on hold earlier this month after an international outcry.
141. RAND, an independent research agency hired by the New York Police Department to analyze street-stop data in 2007 after public outcry, found little racial profiling.